I know that COVID isn’t regarded to be a serious disease if you’re vaccinated and reasonably healthy, but I had mental fogginess for about 2 months after my infection.
I mostly seemed outwardly okay during that time, but it was a tremendous effort to just do the bare minimum.
I hope he ducks out if there’s even a fraction of those types of symptoms.
A roommate of mine was down for almost two months. He still has some mental lapses and foggy moments. That was over three years ago.
That sounds completely awful. He has my sympathy.
Same happened to my wife. Had long haul covid and now has a very hard time learning new things and retaining information for short periods. It’s been hard but she has learned to use better note Tekkno and task management apps to help.
Isn’t this how planet of the apes story goes?
If apes start revolting, I’m on their side.
More like, you could be their house pet
Still down
“You maniacs! You blew it up! Honestly, I get it.”
It is serious long term for 1/5 people.
COVID being no big deal is just a lie society agreed on for convenience.
I know that COVID isn’t regarded to be a serious disease if you’re vaccinated and reasonably healthy
At 81 years old, life is a serious medical condition.
People of that age die of “little” shit all the time.
And remember he’s saying he just tested positive, it’s not why he’s been like this for at least the last year it’s that he’s going to be even worse through the election.
This is the thing with old age that I think most people won’t understand until it happens to them. The body’s ability to deal with those things severely deteriorates with age. You can be peppy and active one day, and on death’s door the next. COVID has proven to be particularly bad for the elderly, but every “minor” ailment or injury is much more serious, and possibly life threatening given the wrong mix of complications. Biden has probably the best chance being in the position he is, and testing positive isn’t the same as being symptomatic, but he’s by no means free and clear. It’ll be interesting to see how this turns out.
I have two young, vaccinated and otherwise healthy family members who lost their ability to work or even walk for more than 100m outside their house for 6+ months. Covid can be extremely serious even now.
I’m 42, vaxxed, and what passes for reasonably healthy in the US (which is to say, all kinds of fucked but still technically able to work). I had covid this week and at the peak I actually needed help standing up after kneeling to rummage through a drawer.
I didn’t get the mental fogginess but even so, I really haven’t ever felt that I fully recovered. I used to be an Ironman when it came to getting sick but now it’s like I get knocked down every few weeks with some flu-like symptoms.
That happened to me. I got COVID pre-vaccine, and for years after that I got every bug going, including multiple COVID infections. After time this seems to have passed. I have now gone one year without COVID, which is a miracle. I feel like my first infection buggered up my immune system. I think I have finally recovered now. I wish you the best of luck.
Maybe you’re just getting old?
Don’t downvote him, it’s entirely possible. However, it was more sudden of a change than I equate to aging. I know all the other effects, those are more subtle
Fair enough!
Why are you gaslighting the guy? Some people do really get fucked by covid
I said maybe not it’s 100% you getting older what are you, crazy? Maybe your health wasn’t ever that good.
That is closer to gaslighting. Jesus you fucking armchair tiktok psychologists.
Thats not what gaslighting is youre so funny and crazy
I couldn’t finish sentences or remember common words when I needed them for about 9 months.
Oh good so more of the same
80 year Olds tend to die from covid. Of the things to be concerned about, his mental sharpness is obviously not even a requirement.
They’re going to shove the entire nation’s supply of steroids and antivirals down his throat
deleted by creator
Given our options at the moment, that feels like a win.
Too late! Trump already took it. Also bleach.
Old people die at higher rates to covid, but when fully up to date on vaccines, the rate isn’t very high to begin with.
more than likely he is going to get the antivrals and such they would only used for hospitalized right off the bat. like paxlovid.
You don’t need to be hospitalized to get all the antivirals. In fact, that’s the whole thing paxlovid is supposed to prevent. Anyone with risk factors can take paxlovid, and it’s very effective at preventing severe covid. It should be started as soon as possible, not waiting until someone’s already hospitalized. Even in unvaccinated people, if taken early in the course, is 90% effective at preventing severe disease.
Remdesivir is the one that’s generally only for hospitalized patients, though even that can be used pre hospital too.
Anyways point is, if you get covid, and have risk factors for severe covid, call your doctor or urgent care to get paxlovid to take if you can, especially if you’re unvaccinated.
And yeah between getting diagnosed quickly, getting paxlovid I’m sure, and being immunized, Biden will very likely be fine.
Edit: yes he started paxlovid https://www.npr.org/2024/07/17/nx-s1-5043814/biden-covid
And to add on “risk factors” is incredibly broad. Being overweight or having some very common diseases counts. And that’s only if the prescribing medical professional is being a stickler.
Very broad you’re right, here’s the cdc info on it:
Age alone is enough to qualify.
I took Paxlovid when I got COVID. Started taking it the day I tested positive. Worked great initially - I was very tired for around a week, sleeping for most of the first two days, but didn’t feel completely terrible.
However, a day or two after I had finished taking it, the symptoms came back much worse and I was pretty sick for another week and a half. Apparently rebound/recurrence of symptoms happens in around one in five people that take Paxlovid.
Paxlovid isn’t just for hospitals, and for a time it was available for free with any insurance and the barest “medical need.” I got COVID in 2023 and got Paxlovid just by asking the doctor nicely.
(And despite that, my symptoms were awful and it took two months to fully recover. )
still I bet he was diagnosed and given it faster. When it comes to viruses the sooner you stunt the growth curve the more effective it is.
My experience has been that the antivirals are pretty easy to get just for a regular case. If you catch it, don’t assume you can’t get them. But do contact your doctor early, as there is a time window. Better to get on them early when you’re not feeling that badly than wait until you think you’re sick enough to justify it.
I know that COVID isn’t regarded to be a serious disease
Generally by capitalists who want their workforce to keep making them money.
By the millions who actually get it and are left chronically ill (or who don’t survive at all), many who aren’t “reasonably healthy” yet don’t deserve any less consideration - not so much.
Just to make things worse, aphasia is one of the most common type of long covid neurological effects
It also exacerbates mental decline in elderly patients. You can also lose 3-9 IQ points with each infection. It stays in the brain for long after the initial infection and disrupts the brain-blood-barrier. It’s honestly (still) pretty scary: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMe2400189
I’m guessing you didn’t watch the debate.
He’ll be fine, and he’s not going anywhere. I wish people would drop it.
I’d vote for his corpse if it will keep Trump out . It doesn’t even matter.
Good then anyone can replace him and we’ll all vote for them instead
Damn, I can’t imagine 2 months of mental fogginess… I’d probably lose my job if that happened to me.
We also need to take into account the guy is close to 90. He’s part of the high risk group.
Edit: Honest mistake, I legit thought he was older than 81 and closer to 90.
81 is an old enough age that you can make your point without just adding basically an entire decade to his age.
I legit thought he was older than 81, my bad. But yes, either way, both are in the high risk range.
Well at least it was funny. 😁
Look, we all know Biden is basically a bajillion years old. Trump, on the other hand, is so young that he hasn’t even been born yet.
It’s crazy to put into perspective what a small blip all this is compared to the age of the earth, which has existed since the beginning of existence and will continue until the end of time.
Even our infinite and immeasurable planet is nothing when you compare it to the solar system, which contains everything that’s ever existed ever.
the solar system, which contains everything that’s ever existed ever
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, are you sure about that?
No, but I said it like I was
Have you thought about a career in politics?
Gives new context to that saying “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you’ll land among the stars.”
deleted by creator
That’s really the only problem you had with that comment?
I mean, that was the part of the post that would break the entire universe, so it stood out to me more than the other things.
If anyone could understand time scale, the Fartographer can.
Hes basically 150 years old. /s
He’s not close to 90, he’s 81.
They rounded up to the nearest 90.
deleted by creator
That’s closer to 90 than most people.
In fact, Biden is closer to 90 than 100% of people under 80.
Exit strategy?
God Almighty has decided.
Do Donald first please
Unfortunately God is pro authoritarian
the Tour will never recover from this
We don’t get to have nice things. We’ll be seeing (insert 2024 newborn baby’s name) vs Trump in 2060 when that baby is eligible to run.
As an anti-theist:
Praise god
You know you’ve watched Dune too many times when you start to see parallels between the way prepared by Jessica and Stilgar, and the current jockeying by Pelosi and Schumer. Are we chanting Lisan al-Gaib at the postponed DNC? Schiff of Tabr? To November! The choice was the Dem nominee or the end of democracy, so you’ll forgive me if I’m not flattered.
The building of the best narrative, the gathering of a large tent, the necessity of correct timing. Then the almighty talk. If not Dune then Kingdom of Heaven or Royal Gemstones. God wills it, Jesse! Things gotta look right for the people.
You’ve gotta stop taking edibles this early in the day.
It was spice
I really hope if for no other reason that I spent a fair bit of time in 2020 telling my friends that Biden wouldn’t make it all the way to the end of his term. I wish the guy well but I love being right.
You might need to see a therapist.
You’re not right you fucking moron, so much so that he’s literally running for pres again, that’s how not right you are you fucking idiot.
spent a fair bit of time in 2020 telling my friends that Biden wouldn’t make it all the way to the end of his term.
god that’s pathetic, a fair bit of time? You just hounding your peeps begging them to listen to your Biden-will-die-in-office theories? Lord knows they know just how fucking braindead you are.
[T]he President will be self-isolating in accordance with CDC guidance for symptomatic individuals
Is that still the guideline? I know several people who have gotten COVID recently and just went about like normal, like people used to do when they were sick pre-pandemic. I told one of them they were morons, but they claimed you don’t have to isolate any more since the CDC changed their guidelines.
You’re supposed to isolate until you don’t have symptoms,however long that takes.
It’s actually worse than that. You’re supposed to isolate until you’re not feverish and your symptoms are improving. Which is not really at all related to when you can spread it.
My understanding was that the instructions from the CDC were changed based on when you are likely to be contagious. The research indicated that following the updated guidance is sufficient to prevent/reduce the spread. At least, that’s the explanation I read when they changed the recommendation. Can’t find it now.
Realistically, it’s not the people who are following the CDC guidance who are spreading COVID.
Nope! Most people are most contagious through day 5, and contagiousness often persists through day 10.
From https://sesamecare.com/blog/how-long-are-you-contagious-with-covid-19 :
How long are you contagious after you test positive for COVID-19?
After testing positive for COVID-19, the duration of contagiousness can vary. However, individuals are typically contagious for about 10 days after the onset of symptoms.
For those with mild to moderate symptoms, this period can be shorter, often around 5-7 days. For people with severe symptoms or those with a weakened immune system, contagiousness can last up to 20 days.
They also dropped from 10 days to 5 originally because businesses were worried about not having enough employees over the holidays. The CDC is a political organization, not a medical one.
From https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/when-covid-isolation-come-out-best-time-experts-rcna88174 :
“It was not a reflection of evidence-based” science, he said. “It was there to stop everything from falling apart.”
At that time, a large chunk of the population was testing positive all at once because of the highly contagious variant. Recommending that everyone stay home — and out of work — for 10 days would have brought the country to a halt once again, so the five-day plan was put in place.
Realistically, it’s not the people who are following the CDC guidance who are spreading COVID.
Not when the CDC recommendations are basically nonexistent. And importantly the CDC recommendations define what businesses support. If the CDC says you don’t have to isolate for 5 days, your boss doesn’t have to give you 5 days of COVID leave.
When people get sick with a respiratory virus, the updated guidance recommends that they stay home and away from others. For people with COVID-19 and influenza, treatment is available and can lessen symptoms and lower the risk of severe illness. The recommendations suggest returning to normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, symptoms are improving overall, and if a fever was present, it has been gone without use of a fever-reducing medication.
So yes, the guidance is that you isolate until you are fever free and other symptoms are at least improving. The major change is that they don’t recommend a fixed length of isolation anymore.
Supposed to mask and increase hygiene steps for 5 days after ending isolation as well.
Girlfriend had it couple weeks ago. She stayed at home. Missed some important events too. But she rather do that than risk spreading it even more or infecting someone at risk.
Please tell your girlfriend thank you for being considerate of others.
His job is to meet many important people throughout the day - day after day. It’s probably applicable here.
All of those people are lying (or just stupid) assholes, and are spreading disease throughout our society.
Who do you think is better briefed on cdc guidelines?
Probably not the person I called a moron.
It would be pretty funny if Trump survived a bullet, but Biden dies from turbo flu.
Funny isn’t the word I would choose.
What’s comedy without a bit of tragedy?
I’ve had more than enough tragedy, when do we get to the fun part?
We live in the Shit Timeline™
Biden will die, but only after the DNC shoves him in via the remote vote they’re pushing, then we’re stuck with Kamala instead of having the chance for someone like Warren to step up…
I wish we weren’t so misogynistic and obsessed with name recognition… I think she would have been great if the old folks didn’t just vote the name they know who’s been around forever in the primaries in 16…
Yes because picking Anyone over the current VP as the candidate signals you’re doing so well.
Who honestly thinks they’d pick Anyone but Harris? Again, it’s all fan fic that Anyone but those two will be the nominee.
it would be insane for it to be anyone but harris.
Depends on the timing tbh… If it was maybe 2-4 weeks out from the election, it could potentially galvanize Democratic voters and more people could end up voting for Harris because of it.
Well that may be it since he said he’d step aside for a medical condition.
But since COVID isn’t all that threatening in most cases I doubt he’ll consider that a condition.
I don’t know man.
I had COVID like 7 months ago, and that headache was so god damn bad, I thought my head was gonna explode.
Imagine the worst tension headache you’ve ever had in your life and it won’t go away even with a thousand milligrams of Tylenol. I couldn’t imagine going through that at eighty one years old
This was the most memorable thing about covid for me besides the fatigue. I rarely get headaches but it gave me the worst headache of my life for a solid week.
Right? Same with me. I rarely get them too.
I was tired as fuck and you can’t sleep because the headache is like a vice crushing your head.
Really? I had COVID three times but no major headaches. I wasn’t feeling well for 2-3 days, but otherwise it was pretty mild.
Except, the first two cases were then both followed by about 4 months of total depression. That sucked. Just based on that experience I’m still pretty terrified of COVID, though thankfully the third time I didn’t have that.
It affects different people in different ways.
I had zero headache, a runny nose (but only my right nostril), was a bit fatigued, and thirsty like a man in the desert for a 1,000 days. These lasted 3 days, the mild fatigue about a week.
Hell of a birthday week that was!
Plus the fatigue was horrible and lasted for weeks.
This seems like coincidental timing to me. He would definitely have something more severe than just COVID.
I don’t know, especially considering the effects of COVID on older folks and long COVID, he may be willing to use this as his step-down excuse.
Yeah, can we get someone in there to diagnose some long COVID while he’s still in the acute phase?
since COVID isn’t all that threatening in most cases I doubt he’ll consider that a condition.
In the case of an 81yo with one of the most stressful jobs in the world, though? You bet your ass it is!
He is gonna get the same or better treatment as Trump when he got it. You know, the stuff that wasn’t available for us regular people.
You mean Paxlovid? That’s widely available, although it may not have been when Trump got it.
That stuff is wonderful. Everything tastes like metal for a while, but it made me not die or suffer long term effects (that I know of).
You mean Paxlovid? That’s widely available
Cries in Canadian
It was approved here. IDK why Dr would be reticent to prescribe
Really? That sucks. I’m sorry, fellow human.
Like the vampire blood of children of Transylvania?
Transylvania? Goodness no. They make it in a factory in New Jersey now.
It’s not vampire blood unless it’s from Transylvania. Otherwise it’s just sparkling biter juice.
You may be sad to learn that Vampires are from Bulgaria, so the Romanian red stuff is also just fizzy biter juice. :(
This spring, i had once a bit fever, nauseous, a little collapse too. After a day it was over, then a rebellious belly for a week. I was often sooner tired, less energy for a while after that. My sis, living with her husband, had the same. That was the new covid, right?
I think so. Myself, wife and kids all had the same thing, and tested positive for covid
Here’s the “health issue” next comes the ending of the re-election. I really thought the cycle would have been a little slower.
The DNC is planning of formally nominating the democratic ticket on August 5, which does not leave much time to pick a replacement (even if the replacement is vice president Harris).
The August 5 date was picked back when everyone thought the nomination was a mere formality, in order to comply with an August 7 deadline from Ohio. Ohio, for its part, has pushed the deadline back to September, but I don’t think the DNC wants to risk a ballot challenge making it’s way to the Supreme Court.
can’t they just slap a big mustache on obama and make him run again
Whoa, this Arock Bonana fella came out of nowhere, and he seems pretty cool. Have you heard him speak in coherent sentences? I think his brain might be undamaged!
I want to hear what this Mr Snrub has to say!
I think we should invest more into the nuclear power plant.
even if the replacement is vice president Harri
I know that’s who it would be, but I’d still be majorly disappointed.
Fuck at least she doesn’t have dimensia and can go head to head with Vance in a debate…now who the potential VP is could sink her majorly.
They have to speed the fuck up. Compared to most other countries, US election campaigns take forever
I don’t know whats more entertaining, The Boys finale or the actual election.
I heard he fucked a pangolin with Mickey mouse in the back of a limo
Didn’t the VP’s husband have COVID?
Most people have probably had COVID by now.
Jesus christ! If Biden drops out we might trully be fucked now, specially now that it’s clear as day that Kennedy is working with Trump to take votes away from Biden in order to help Trump win. It would take a fucking miracle to get someone with so much energy and sufficiently known to stand against Trump.
Sorry for my pesism, but I really see things very bleak come November.
Literally any other democrat is polling better than Biden lmao
Probably not Bob Menendez.
And Kennedy isn’t taking any Democrat away.
I don’t understand the down voting when this is factually correct.
That’s my hope, but the need isn’t to beat Biden, it’s to unify the beat Trump
Almost all the mainstream criticism against Biden is that he’s too old and bumbling. Run ANYONE else and all that criticism goes away immediately.
It would take a fucking miracle to get someone with so much energy and sufficiently known to stand against Trump.
Bhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, oh my gods 🤣 I needed a good laugh, thanks random bootlicker…
Bootlicker your mom, I fucking hate Biden, but I’ll be dammed if Trump wins. I’ll vote for a turd over Trump if it keeps him out of office.
And just earlier he said he could drop out if a medical issue came up. Maybe this is it.
Here’s a tweet from after the notorious debate where he messed up, and claimed afterwards that he had a cold:
I mostly don’t want him to drop out, but after that debate performance, covid was the first thing I thought of.
You’re being downvoted, but “muh odds”: https://electionbettingodds.com/President2024.html
Those odds seem unrealistic but yeah. 538’s odds are much better for him.
What a reliable source you have there
I’ve been posting for weeks that he’s gonna back out because of a medical issue, which they will not disclose fully.
Historians will find years later that he had a contagious case of notgonnawinatall, compounded by inflammation of the opeds.
I’m just gonna see how real y’all are: I hope he drops out because of it
I’m just gonna see how real y’all are
What does this mean? Can someone explain?
I’m downvoting because of the whiny prefix. Not because I don’t hope it kicks his ass
Downvoted but not taking part in your silly poll