I don’t think that that’s grifting.
Like, there’s no fraud or misleading material here. Trump’s campaign is (presumably) providing exactly what one would expect for the donation: trying to improve Trump’s chances at the White House. They’re maybe taking every chance to push for money, but constantly trying to sell stuff alone isn’t grifting.
If it were trying to get people to invest in Trump Media & Technology Group or something, where I think that a lot of small investors have a rather-confused take on the company’s prospects, then I’d be more-inclined to agree.
I’d guess at least some chance of drugs being involved.
I was just in a restaurant where some presumably meth head got a sandwich. Kept talking to the air, doing circuits around the place, couldn’t sit still for a minute, was getting himself agitated talking to the air.
I remember watching Donut Operator – an ex-cop who used to be on a SWAT team and who does commentary on a bunch of YouTube videos. He’s said a number of times that the people that he least liked having to deal with when working as an officer were the meth addicts. Really unpredictable, could wind up becoming violent after acting normal a moment earlier.