• 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Joe Biden has reportedly told a key ally he may not be able to continue with his 2024 campaign if he cannot change the American electorate’s mind about his health and well-being with his next handful of public appearances, the first indication from the president that he understands the seriousness of the damage done by his disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump in Atlanta, Georgia, last week.

    But Biden also said on a call with White House staff on Wednesday: “No one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win.”

    He’s got this shit backwards…

    He’s got this outdated view based on boomer logic of what voters want.

    Most voters are under 40 this election, at our oldest we were we teenagers during 9/11. Most literally can’t remember pre 9/11.

    We don’t want a leader that displays strength by a refusal to listen to the public. One that makes up their mind and charges ahead no matter what

    If Biden had came out the next morning after the debate and said that first paragraph at a press briefing. It would have helped his numbers with that demographic more than anything else. And that’s who he struggles with, he can’t afford not to have them because trump has 65 and up.

    But if he just straight up said:

    I fucked up, give me a chance to prove myself or I’ll step aside.

    That’s the type of presidential shit that voters who grew up post 9/11 and have since learned how wrong it was want. Instead of what the narrative has been the last week, everyone would have been hyping his appearances and “giving him a shot” he’d have completely drowned out trump in coverage, but this time for a good reason.

    Like, he’s running against trump, it’s not hard to come up with shit like this, but this is what happens where you stop listening to anyone who doesn’t 100% agree with you. It’s a spiral lots of people fall into when they become wealthy/powerful/successful

  • 100% low on coolant, which means you have a leak.

    If it suddenly got really shitty, then it’s a big leak and no way around it.

    If it’s slowly gotten shittier and shittier, so slow you’re just now really worrying about it. Then it’s likely a tiny pinhole leak. The environmently right thing to do is still to get the leak repaired, depending on your state laws you may not have a choice.

    But for a pinhole you can charge it back up and could be good for years, could be good a week.

    Now you’re a renter, so if you’re in a good state you maybe able to report the suspected leak, and then they have to get it checked?

    It’s one of those things where any one person has a negligible effect, but if everyone goes one way or the other it’s a huge effect, so some states say you can’t charge without doing a leak check and then they have to fix it before charging.

  • I’m getting a lot of ‘hey if everyone just votes third party we can will ourselves out of this predicament’.

    I mean, I block a lot of people who don’t seem to be here in good faith, so it’s possible they’re here and I just don’t see them.

    But the only thing I see a lot of, is people pointing out Biden has historically bad poll numbers, and if we switched candidates we’d have a better shot. Be a use right now, it’s going to be the Dem candidate or trump as president.

    Long term tho?

    Yeah, eventually we need to acknowledge the DNC is fucking up and we need a new party. That’s a discussion for the day after the election though.

    I just hope this time everyone doesn’t immediately tune out after the election.

  • Trump has been shouting incoherent word salad and confabulations for years at this point


    He’s never put thought into what comes out of his mouth, he just opens it.

    So while both are experiencing normal effects of aging, Trump’s never made it a habit to use his frontal lobe, and that’s where this shit hits first.

    So there’s no observable difference in his behavior.

    Like, imagine you suffered a stroke and lost the ability to ride a bike. If you’re Lance Armstrong it’s a huge deal. If you’re some 80 year old fat fuck who thinks exercise lowers your “battery” it has zero effect on your life because you dont ride a bike.

    Biden was pretty unanimously labeled “the greatest modern political orator” back in the 80s. It wasn’t even really debatable.

    Seriously, he was at the absolute peak of his game and no one could touch him. But he lost it a long time ago, it didn’t start recently. Look at the 08 debates and he’s more than serviceable still, but already a shadow of his former self.

  • Being in the White House drastically ages the president, VP, and senior staff due to the insane amounts of stress and long hours that come with the job.

    It’s not easy.

    Biden has been in the WH for 12 years.

    trump for four, but he’s too fucking stupid to be worried. So the stress never got to him. If he saw something he didn’t like, he ripped up the paper, tried to eat it, then flushed it. And trump would have 100% forgotten about it immediately.

    Which is why they can be essentially the same age (18 months is nothing in your 80s) but Biden seems so much worse. Biden is used to thinking about what to say, trump just opens his mouth and rambles like he always has.

    But with all that being said:

    We need higher standards to get Dem voters onboard. A bad candidate that’s better than trump is still a bad candidate. We don’t need someone who tries to think of what to say but can’t say it, we need someone that can think of a competent response and then communicate that effectively.

  • About 7 in 10 voters, and 45% of Democrats, said Biden’s physical and mental ability is a reason to vote against him, according to the CNN/SSRS poll.

    And about 6 in 10 voters, including about one-quarter of Democrats, said reelecting Biden would be a risky choice for the country rather than a safe one, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll. That poll found that Democrats were split on whether Biden should remain the nominee.

    There’s no reason to take this risk for Biden after he spent four years telling us a president can’t do anything.

    If he really was “the next FDR” I could see pushing for him to stay in, but I just don’t see what makes Biden worth the risk.

    Pretty much everything he brags about accomplishing, is stuff congress passed and he signed instead of vetoing. Lots of people can do that.

  • But number three, let me speak about the radical left. You and I have both been parts of faculties and faculty senates and understand that the left has taken over our institutions. The reason that they are apoplectic right now, the reason that so many anchors on MSNBC, for example, are losing their minds daily is because our side is winning.

    And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.

    When they’re saying this about Joe Biden and mainstream pro-corporate media like MSNBC…

    It’s really hard to take people seriously when they say AOC is too extreme to be president.

    They’ll always say moderate Dems are far left radicals, they can’t say it anymore about AOC. The main difference is moderates try to argue that they’re actually conservative which pisses off Dem voters. And progressives like AOC use it as an opportunity to talk about why the policy works, which grows the Dem voters base.

    We can’t keep meeting them halfway.

    We need to 100% fight fascism, and we need to keep fighting. Because the fascists never stop.

  • Trump garnered 48 percent support in the poll to Biden’s 42 percent in a head-to-head match-up. That’s an increase from an identical poll in February, which found Trump with a 2-point lead.

    Trump’s 48 percent vote share is the highest mark of either candidate at any point in the 2024 race, according to the Journal.

    Ignoring this isn’t going to work. But we still have time to give Dem voters what they want so we can stop trump:

    A sizable 80 percent of respondents — and 76 percent of Democrats — said Biden, 81 years old, is too old to be reelected. Two-thirds of respondents said they want him replaced by another Democratic candidate.

  • He could throw them in prison extrajudicially for actions against the US government including treason for their support of 1/6… Hell, he can ship em to Gitmo even tho theyre US citizens.

    I didn’t say anything about impeachment…

    From 2020-2022 we could have added justices with a simple majority after throwing out the filibuster.

    We didn’t.

    We are running out of actions because we are running out of time. I wish Biden wouldn’t have wasted those two years with a bipartisan commission to find out if everything was fine…

    But he did.

    Due to the recent SC ruling, Biden faces no punishment for actions committed in office. So he can jail Clarence and everyone else who’s corrupt in jail and thus remove the conservative majority. Hell, legally he can have them executed for treason without trial, but I think Gitmo and no communication is more than enough.

    There’s lots of people in GITMO who have done far less

    If trump is the threat Biden says (he is) then we need to do whatever we can to prevent trump.

    Do you disagree that trump is an existential threat to American democracy and we may never recover if he becomes president.

  • This is bigger than me, so I’ll step aside to beat Trump.

    Would pretty much guarantee whoever filled his spot became president.

    But moderates demand 100% loyalty. Even if Biden thinks they’re right eventually, he’s not going to change his mind for “the left”. Even when it’s other moderates. He’s been turning on a lot of allies immediately after they even questioned if he should stay in, and claiming CNN and the NY times all sorts of shit despite them backing him all the way up till now.

    Biden has never been good at accepting criticism or dealing with confrontation. It’s what torpedoed his first primary back in 88. If someone isn’t with him, Biden considers them against him.

    He’s a lot like trump in that regard, loyalty is a one way street.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldPresident Kamala Harris
    9 hours ago

    She really should have been Biden’s VP.

    It wasn’t too long ago VPs were chosen to carry their home state, and we need Michigan.

    Kamala brought nothing to the ticket, there’s no way Dems would lose Cali, and she’s ridiculously unpopular nationwide.

    Even swapping her for Kamala at VP would make me feel better about Biden’s chances. Still not comfortable, but better at least

  • If Biden engages in those acts wouldn’t that result in less votes and support? And also increase the chances republicans get away with a coup/facism?

    Republicans are gonna republican. But we’re literally fight fascism so…


    Also, my understanding is a supermajority is required in Congress to change the Supreme Court. Which we did not have in 2021. Am I wrong?

    Can be done with a simple majority, which we had till 2022. If Dems really fought and tossed out the filibuster, but they didn’t.

    Instead Biden created a bipartisan committee to investigate if the corrupt Republican SC should be allowed to stand as is. He gave them 6 months, and after 2 years (as soon as Dems.lost the House) they decided we should just let it go.

    At every step, Biden and party leadership refuse to fight.

    We can’t afford that. If trump is as dangerous as they say (he is) then we need to actually fight.

    Even if we lose, it motivates voters for the next election.

    But he could still, this very day, arrest them for treason and jail them indefinitely and no one can stop him due to the SC’s recent ruling.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldPresident Kamala Harris
    10 hours ago

    Kamala is one of the few options with worse approval ratings than Biden tho…

    Among the full US public, Biden’s favorability rating stands at just 34%, with 58% viewing him unfavorably. And while many of the Democratic names bandied about as possible replacements for Biden are less widely disliked, none would start with more public goodwill – instead, they are less well known. Harris has the widest recognition – and is also deeply underwater, with a 29% favorability rating, 49% rating her unfavorably, and 22% saying they have no opinion or haven’t heard of her. Roughly half of the public has no opinion on Buttigieg (50%) and Newsom (48%), with about two-thirds (69%) offering no opinion of Whitmer.


    She does do better with independents in a head v head poll against trump.

    But I can’t imagine anyone is seriously thinking her 29% favorability should just be ignored.

    Sadly, 69% of people not caring about Gretchen Whitmere makes her our best bet that the DNC is likely to support.

    There’s no way they’d back AOC