Very very well put!
I think if you made a word bubble of all the comments I’ve made the largest bubble by far would be “I fucking hate propagandists!!”
Here we go again. This article is just one of many like it - “Maybe” “could” “Fears raise” “warning” etc. etc.
All this if if if is fucking insane!
I get they need to be “impartial” but there’s no way in hell this is “if” or “maybe” it’s fucking plan B! Plan A is just win of course, but this is their actual plan.
I’m normally a pessimistic person so take this with a grain of salt, but I have absolutely 0 hope that we actually win this. I’m 100% convinced the fix is already in.
Still vote! But I completely expect Trump to be handed the election…
I literally just posted comments in 2 other threads expressing this concern.
I absolutely expect if Trump “loses” he’ll not only have lost the popular vote, he’ll have lost the electoral college vote, but they’ll refuse to certify to solidify that fact and he’ll “win” by ratfuckery. Having the election tossed to state votes which the Republicans have the majority of…
I don’t expect Trump to lose this election no matter what happens…
Still vote of course. But y’all better riot when they pull this shit. And unlike J6 crybabies, do it knowing it’s civil disobedience and that we’d deserve the jail time we’d get. Expect it, it’s the “right” thing to do.
Conservative Contradiction! They go hand in hand!
I was very disappointed that this didn’t end with “In nineteen ninety eight the undertaker threw mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer’s table.”
My weekend has been ruined. :(
What a piece of shit…
That “government efficiency office” is literally the position Trump offered him…
“Trump wants to put me in charge and she doesn’t so wah wah wah!”
As usual: get fucked muskrat.
A hateful asshole only has hateful asshole things to say!? Color me surprised!
What color is that anyway?
I firmly believe he’s going to lose the popular vote, the electoral college, and yet still “win” by having the assholes that filled important election official positions refuse to certify the results and have the election kicked to Congress where the Republicans have a majority of states in their control and so one state one vote means Trump wins…
Every single mother fucker better riot like there’s no tomorrow if they do this
Can confirm. From Italian American family, have no shortage of racism here…
My goddamn grandma never forgets to chime in on political conversations with the “and diseases! Don’t forget the immigrats bring disease into our country!”
It’s propaganda.
Everything you listed is a “Democrat lie” if you were to ask a Magoo. Fox news, Newsmax, and the like spend an enormous amount of effort in creating a reality where Republicans are always the victim, and they point to the population to say “you’re next!”
Anything they can’t say is specifically a lie, they’ll say “well you did it too so it’s not bad.” Anything else just isn’t a concern to them since people like Hannity tell them what to think.
I’m not actually sure I agree. Trump has so much support right now because he has formed a cult of personality. If Trump goes the GOP goes. Trump dominated every primary, no one else stood a chance, which means there isn’t another GOP memeber that the cult would move to so easily. Trump has a “strength” in being an “outsider” to his base, anyone else who was in the primaries would just be another “elitist” politician to the magas.
Unfortunately our politics have gotten so fucked by a disgusting form of propaganda that disregards the typical “immoral” stances (racism, sexism, etc) that I actually believe the only people that could continue to keep the GOP going are the absolutely disgusting people like MTG and Bobert… The loudmouth assholes with no regard or respect for anyone but their “tribe.”
I absolutely agree on that aspect. I myself am a “victim” of that mentality. I never “found” myself and have ended up uneducated and working in a factory. For that reason I see myself as completely worthless. When I used dating sites I’d skip over anyone with a solid profession as “they’d never settle for a worthless schmuck like me anyway, they deserve better and they know it.” So it actually ties multiple issues together.
The only difference is I don’t blame society, I blame myself for being pathetic.
The way he responded about the official statement reveals how he views all public servants as well. Paraphrasing the response to the official statement: “yeah, well that’s a nice thing for an official to say. But I saw it on TV what they were saying!”
His initial reaction is essentially “of course the official is lying, that’s what you do.”
But their issues with society aren’t the fault of society. They don’t measure up in whatever way, don’t aim to improve themselves, and then go and blame everyone else but themselves.
I say this as a perpetually single guy (a decade since my last relationship) who isn’t exactly an incel in the meaning of that term, but am in the literal “involuntary” part. I just recognize I’m the problem not changes in society.
And propagandists are exploiting that as well. They feel all their issues with the changes in dating and relationships in general are the fault of “the left” and women in general, there are no shortage of people waiting to jump on those points for their own financial and political gain.
Well looks like he isn’t getting reelected…
Trump IS truth. If he says the sky is red, you better agree or the Magoos will come out in force and make you believe it’s red.
Trump: “There are 5 lights.”
I really wish she got to go after Trump… His ending statement/question was the absolute perfect opportunity to stress the importance of voting for more than just the president!
“Why haven’t you done all the things you say you want to yet?”
“People of the US: give me a Senate and House that will work with me and we can!”
It seemed like a mic drop for him but that’s only because people don’t understand all Republicans exist for is obstruction of democratic plans and to benefit the ownership class. Have a Republican lead House/Senate? You’ll get nothing meaningful.
it shows his speaking style hasn’t changed that much in 40 years.
Does it? My first thought was “who wrote this? Trump definitely doesn’t know some of those words” lol
It kinda reads like MLK you serve us, I like it lol
Not in the racist way! Like he worked on our behalf to help us lol