“I won’t pay the bill for this stupid company,” he said. “I won’t pay the bill, and then we’ll have a story that Trump didn’t pay the bill to a contractor.”
If you don’t want a reputation for screwing over contractors then you should pay your damn contractors. But we all know Trump would’ve just made up a reason to stiff them even if everything went smoothly.
But I do find it amusing that he’s this close to figuring out why his mic didn’t work in the first place. Good contractors have options and won’t work for a known dead beat. So all he can get are incompetent fools.
He never pays ANY of his bills. How many cities have ended up getting stuck with unpaid bills for his stupid fucking circlejerk events?
This is a common tactic the rich use all the time. They even hire people to contest valid charges because it often works. They are literally why we can’t have nice things. “So much winning” but they have to cheat and lie about everything.
It’s disproportionately the rich who refund uber eats meals that were perfectly fine and shit like that.
It happens on business all the time as well. Huge company hires small company to outsource whatever, with the promise of more work if this project goes well, then they end up being a nightmare to work for, with impossible deadlines and constantly changing requirements.
Small company ends up underwater on the project and the guy that outsourced it gets a promotion for getting it done under budget.
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I have no idea why companies ever accepted net 30, let alone to the extent that it has become a sort of standard. I’d have the business owner as the guarantor at a minimum. Better yet, if they’re good for the payment, they can get a bank loan.
If there’s no show at all, or it’s completely ruined, then you have them cancel the bill. You don’t just refuse to pay and stop picking up the phone. That’s childish and we know he doesn’t pay bills even when he gets everything he asked for, just more gaslighting.
Plus when I hire someone for a price and they do a meh but ok job, i pay them and never hire them again. That’s how the free market works, at least in theory. He doesn’t see we can’t just “not pay our bill” when my internet goes down for a few hours. Normal people get fucked by that, he doesn’t know what normal is. Weird they don’t even realize they’re saying the quiet part out loud.
No, no - “free market” means I don’t have to pay, because it’s free.
“free market” should be “fair market” but the free means corporations are free to move labor to another country but not let the actual labor freely move.
The whole reason he does outdoor rallies is because he stiffed all the indoor facilities in his last election run.
20 minutes to find a second mic? Or move the connection to a different input.
Sounds about right for the people Trump hires.
The sound tech probably didn’t have it on.
Sometimes you wind up working gigs you wouldn’t want to. Easy to make mistakes.
Reminds me of a gig I had in a studio where the lead singer was a real jerk to everyone in the studio and to his band-mates, he kept berating everyone in the band, telling them to play better, and when it was his turn to record vocals, I pitch shifted his monitor a half note :-) Watching him squirm in the vocal-booth trying to hit a note was priceless.
that’s just beautiful. Kind of evil. but beautiful.
Billy Corgan never recovered from that one.
Despite all my rage, I’m still just a rat in a cage.
Probably hard to find a good sound guy that’ll work for free.
I’m sure if he asked a local evangelical church, they’d loan up their sound guys. You know. Gotta help the antichrist out.
Or you haven’t been paid…
Not getting paid is rather demotivating, yes.
“Mistakes” happen when you lack motivation…
Comrade Mic Guy
I mean seeing how he has probably pissed off just about every theater kid living by now it’s just deserts. Nobody is racing down from the booth with a lav for this guy.
“Only the best”
Proper soundcheck + mic 2 and I’ve never had more than 15 seconds of dead time in past 10 years.
But you know, you, you get paid.
As a 20+ year audio professional, the only way this happens is an engineer that either doesn’t know what they’re doing at all (so not a pro) or they aren’t getting paid enough and are very vindictive.
Literally thousands of open mic nights across the country run by teenagers getting paid nothing do a better job of preparing than this.
I applaud whoever fucked this up cause honestly, fuck that guy.
Why waste money on a pro when the deputy campaign manager’s cousin, who is very big in the audio, can do it for campaign merch and free soda?
I mean, I know that’s tongue in cheek, but the results is the reason why.
Yeah, there’s no way he was getting merch or free soda.
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I’m a broadcast engineer, specifically an A1. There is absolutely 0 chance there wasn’t a spare working mic. The only way the whole system fails if some moron over loaded and tripped the amps.
As an amateur with an audio interface and a few mics - you don’t need to know all that much to avoid that mistake.
Looks like they had a second mic, but it didn’t work either
My money is on someone pulling the plug mid speech
“Failed mic.”
“Mic the loser” they call him.
I like mics that didn’t fail.
Yea, easy conspiracy. He can’t speak for long periods of time, so manufacture sound issues.
“I won’t pay the bill for this stupid company,” he said. “I won’t pay the bill, and then we’ll have a story that Trump didn’t pay the bill to a contractor.”
He already wasn’t gonna pay.
He probably hasn’t been paying all along and is now down to the bottom rung of contractors.
That is correct.
Oh, that’s insightful. I bet you’re right. Would certainly explain some events.
Lol I thought you made that quote up, so I had to check the article. He actually said that lol.
Guy probably didn’t even pay for the AC at that event where they were passing out from the heat.
This was my thought when I saw the clip originally
That story has been printed weekly since 1995. Who’s he kidding?
His nickname should be “Crime”.
He didn’t play music this time?
“and now…racist shitbag music.”
Kid rock covers Ave Maria?
“I’ll haaave a beer-a”
Didn’t want to do another impromptu concert?
Aaaaaaaaveeeee Mariiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
So the guy who thinks he and he alone can fix the world, and that foreign leaders admire and fear him cannot (1) hire a campaign competent with the simplest contingencies, (2) cannot stick through any interview that asks him about things he did, let alone a hostile interview, (3) cannot find and maintain staffers nor cabinet members who won’t betray him for being ignorant and unhinged.
He ever said he wanted to fix anything? I thought he just wanted to be in power so he can grab more pussy.
I guess these are those “the best people” that we’ve heard mentioned so many times.
We’ve seen him handle an actual emergency and it was strikingly similar. It’s good to know he handles even small problems in the same dumbfounded way.
We’re all completely screwed if this crisis generator gets back into office.
big energy fascist would have been screaming into a bullhorn. you’re losing it donny.
I already commented, but another thought came to mind: Four Seasons Total Landscaping.
That was hilarious…
I volunteer at a venue that offers a stage for bands and DJs starting out and looking for a first place to preform.
It has a capacity for an audience of 300. None of the people working there get paid.We can’t display “Complicated Business” on a big screen when a mic cuts out, but would have fixed that issue within a minute.
Unless the stage is mobile and outdoors, or in someone’s living room, you set up an emergency backup amp, mixer, speakers and mics before the first guest enters the building.Respectfully, as someone in the performing arts, how does no one get paid at a venue with a capacity of 300? A bar venue with a capacity of 30 I’d understand, 50-100 is pushing it. But 300? That’s huge!
I’m doing a gig later in November at an amphitheater with a capacity of 200-300ish or so. The pay is $500 for 6-8 minutes on stage. I’m not even part of production, just a guest performer. The venue I most often perform at nets around $150 per person at capacity (max is 100)
Even if you only charged $10 for entry, that’s a few thousand dollars. There’s enough there to give people something for their work
OK that was misleading.
The artists, sound and light tech obviously get paid. DJs get around 50€ per set, bands 200€, technicians 70€ per night. No one who lives off their art performs there, except sometimes as a favor cause they like the place. It’s very much a stage for hobby musicians. The money pays for their cost to get there and back, and they also get fresh-cooked food and a place to sleep.
The bar and door are staffed by volunteers who get free entrance and drinks, and the venue is managed by volunteer members, who get to hang out there whenever they like, at a very unique place.Entrance fee is between 5€ for an 8 hour event with only DJs, to 8€ for a night with 3 bands and 2 DJs. A beer costs 1,50€, soft drinks 1€, long drinks 4€. We are very much running the place at cost, so everyone can afford to go there.
It only works out because of the massive amount of unpaid work done behind the scenes, lots of connections to professionals willing to help out for free cause they like the place, tax-exempt status, a special deal with the local brewery, and relatively cheap rent.And the capacity is 300 for the main stage. Together with the second stage, outdoor stage and bonfire area (if the weather is good), we can let in 600 people.
Then this dipshit said he wasn’t paying the bill, I mean tell me something we don’t already know…
Like he would have anyway
He can make much more choices resulting in shit of epic proportions.
Hope he hated it.
every time something comes up in politics that i don’t like i just imagine donald trump swaying catatonically to Ave Maria