• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023

  • firstly, I’m not a bot.

    Secondly, what I really want is to stop the slow slid into Fascism. Biden is, in my opinion, demonstrably incapable or unwilling of doing that. You’re welcome to share your opinions, and we can have a discussion about it. Though, also in my opinion, you don’t like hearing alternative viewpoints, considering the name calling and accusations.

    EDIT: Third, I already have. the argument goes no where. Before the primary it was “Save it for the primary,” during the primary it was “Don’t undermine the incumbent, you idiot”, in now its “name your candidate”. in 2019 it was “learn to compromise”. I’m not interestedin the argument because you- or people like you- are unwilling to listen. Biden is problematic. but you’re not going to be able to shore up his election campaign by digging your head in the sand.

    Other “missteps”? Gaza and Immigration feature prominently, too.

  • I don’t believe undecided voters even exist. Like. No. Seriously.

    This is the most polarized election in US history. we know both the candidates, we know how they did during their tenure as president. we’ve all got our opinion on it. The only question is, really, “how many voters are going to show up”- and more specifically, “which side loses the most voters?”

    Honestly, there was never a positive upside for the debate. It’s just an opportunity to give them more soundbites or images of biden looking… well, old. (and give trump a bunch of one-line zingers. his base doesn’t care about the truth, just that he ‘owns the libs’)

  • I’m not the one waiving a magic wand thinking Biden is a perfect candidate.

    You are.

    As I’ve said elsewhere, baring Biden himself stepping down it’s suicide for any one to oppose him. So no I’m not going to enter that fucking argument with someone who can’t even see what’s clearly before them.

    Especially considering I’m guessing you give credit for the American recovery act to Biden even as you’d scramble to insist Biden doesn’t have the power to pass law.

  • Are you the gf? Do you know if they did? Or will?

    Or are you just assuming?

    Or are you suggesting that I’m being over dramatic? Cuz, she woke him up in the middle of sleeping at night. Sleep deprivation is absolutely a form of torture, and while it’s probably not sleep deprivation (yet) it’s absolutely manipulative as fucking hell.

    I can’t know if OP is exaggerating or not, or if they’re going to or not. Yes that’s an assumption on my part.

    As related, though, the behaviors described are heavily manipulative.

    As related: she decided unilaterally when to have that conversation. And she decided to do it when OP was near-comatose in sleep. An altered state that being roused from does not contribute to reasonable conversation.

    Walking away is fine, but it could have (and should have,) waited until the morning.

    Now look at what she’s saying is the problem- he missed a text, but also wasn’t waiting to escort her downstairs. Ultimately- if this is legitimate on her part it’s “you don’t care about me”.

    Now look at the fears she is expressing- that it’s literally unsafe to get dropped at the curb and walk in. While it’s certainly possible, the reality is that if it’s that unsafe, then asking what he’d do- and she jumps straight to killing?!

    And the CCTV stuff- which OP has no realistic way of knowing or resolving.

    Yeah; no. All of this is meant to put OP on the defensive, in a state that OP is not able to think clearly. As relayed it’s straight up manipulation, and if the most vile sort.

  • This is absolutely manipulative.

    Whether she realizes it or not, refusing to engage or talk about it, except in her own time frame- is not a good sign for a healthy relationship, and when she did decide to talk about it, put you into a compromised position- being unable to think clearly.

    The questions she’s asking are meant to elicit fear and massive guilt. Though to be blunt, I’m going to assume there’s no real danger of any of that happening, I assume the neighborhood is fairly safe. Because usually it is.

    As for what you’d do…? Call the cops. Duh. You (probably) don’t have the resources to find any one and kill them, and besides which, if she’s really asking that you do, uhm… dodge that bullet.

  • This isn’t entirely accurate.

    First, just because they’re only slightly less accurate than most cops… doesn’t mean they’re not able to get lucky.

    Secondly, I’m reminded of an incident I saw security recordings of, from a guy running across a light rail platform (warehouse district in Minneapolis,) dude was spraying behind him. While running.

    Missed all of the people he was aiming at, killed 4 people all the same.

    ACAB, so I’m not saying the cops didn’t fuck up. (Or even plant the damn pellet gun…) but yeah. There’s a reason that’s the narrative.