"Ain’t no snitches riding with us
Ol mo the mouth n***as could holler the front" - Lil’ Wayne
Are they trying to make cars undesirable?
It’s an absolute win win.
If they patent it, no one else can use the same system in the same way. So it’s contained to Ford.
If they don’t end up using it. It’s simply a safeguard that no one else can either.
If they do end up using it, people will shy away from Ford, making the roads safer for everyone.
As I said. Win win. This is fantastic news.
What if legislation says the feature needs to be added. And then everyone’s forced to buy a license from Ford to make it happen?
No one would be forced to buy a license from Ford. IF they decide it has to be on every car, and it’s that specific system, they would have to buy it out from Ford.
But legislation like that doesn’t happen over night. It’s planned several years in advance so everyone has time to implement it.
But if that’s what you’re worries about. I suggest you vote for whomever is opposed to it. And if no one is opposed. I suggest you protest.
- When the patent expires every manufacturer will be using it if they’re forced to by legislation
Just theirs.
But you know, not a bad thought.
Heh. Guess theyre tired of making money
Right? Why the hell would I buy a vehicle that’s going to report me to the police?
They’re probably waiting for this tech to be required by law and make a lot of cash on the patent.
Because it will not report you. It will report others it sees on the road - except Fords.
They already have to implement a system to shut off the car if “drunk driving is detected” by law
I haven’t heard of that. How does it work? It shuts the car off if you swerve a lot?
Do you have a source I could read more about this?
The law doesn’t say how it should work at all. This source seems the least biased I’ve seen on it
Ooh yes good patent it so other manufacturers won’t do it. It’s a win-win since I already wouldn’t want a ford
Edit: what it uses cameras to look at other vehicles??? That is much worse
Yep, it snitches on other cars!
Let’s be real, close to a majority of Americans have no issue with their iPhone being used as part of a mesh tracking network, even if it helps abusers with airtags.
All they have to do is sell this to people as benefiting them, and they will gobble it up. Hell, chances are, insurance companies will start offering reduced rates if you drive one (and then they buy the data from Ford and increase rates with it).
The massive difference between AirTags and this is that AirTags (and the whole Find My network, it’s not only AirTags after all) actually provide a useful service to each participant, namely locating their things if they get lost somewhere. This does effectively nothing for you and will only ever fuck over other people (you could argue rightfully so, but still) and provides no value to anyone other than the police.
One wonders whether instance companies will incentivize these vehicles with lower rates.
For whatever the insurance companies deem a low rate driver, sure. But you can be sure that many drivers will be paying more once their insurance company sees how much time they stare at a TikTok videos what “driving”.
Actually. I do wish that phones would fucking tattle on people who can’t be bothered to watch where they’re going while operating 2 ton Hausfraupanzers.
Instead of paying 2000 dollars a month for your shitty lifted ford ranger you pay 1500 a month for your shitty lifted ford ranger, but the car will… SHUT THE FUCK UP, WHERE DO I SIGN?
Ooh that’s gonna get your car keyed.
You have a strange way of writing molotov cocktailled.
I was gonna say, they are getting keyed with bullets
The key that opens anything.
Ooh yes good patent it so other manufacturers won’t do it.
Patents don’t necessarily stop other OEMs from using it. It just means they’ll have to pay Ford a fee to license it, themselves.
Welcome to UPS trucks.
And Amazon, and FedEx, and UPS, and DHL…
I a totally meant FedEx. But I thought they were the only ones with police contracts?
They all have telematics in their trucks, and I know they all use the data in the case of accidents to prove fault. Amazon specifically monitors speed and will fire drivers if they do it too much. Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if they started sharing that info.
Oh yea, on the same page, it’s just that FedEx specifically have been proven to hold contracts with law enforcement, while the others have not.
If I have to buy a “new” car someday, I’m cutting off every antenna I see.
Unable to contact servers; boot loop, car won’t start; manufacturer sues you for breaking licensing agreement with unapproved modifications
That’s why we need right to repair
And a corporate death penalty, if I had my druthers.
I’m against the death penalty, so corporate disbandanment
Classic cars for me then
my classic car is a 2005😎
Unfortunately just like your cell phone we don’t really need external antennas anymore. In a lot of cases there’s not even a wire inside you can easily cut, just traces deep on the board
What I’ve been reading about on that subject is that cars often have a Telematics Control Unit or TCU that can actually be disabled if you can find it. It’s a box that plugs in to the wiring harness. They also have antennas that could be connected by a wire that you could locate, giving us another option to disable them by just disconnecting the antenna wire. That way the TCU could still talk to the main computers but not be able to send out its data.
If it doesn’t have a wire you could always put in a little faraday cage.
I’m never buying a newer car.
enshittification might just be how capitalism destroys itself.
The thing with new cars is that they turn into old cars.
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I feel like you atleast have some wiggle room with electric cars, I cant imagine that it would be too hard to just rip out and replace most of the bs parts. Mostly cause you dont have a massive engine block to deal with, just wires.
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Oh no im talking ripping literally everything out and starting more or less from scratch, battery and body only.
So you are writing your own firmware and updates too?
No but it also shouldnt be complex enough to need it, all the computer needs to do is control the motors and the shifter nothing else. I dont need cruise control, I dont need lane assist, I dont even need powered windows ya know what fuck the doors altogether. Everything else IE lights, air, radio can be controlled through a rather simple tertiary power system.
True, I’ll never a own a car with technology that can send my data to anyone else.
Sooo how long before we find a way to jailbreak the thing and essentially have an on-board “give that car a ticket” button to report false speed data on any driver we happen to be pissed off at?
…yeah I’d 100% abuse the fuck out of that.
Not just a law enforcement thing, either.
Ford will absolutely, 100%, start selling this data to insurance companies, who will absolutely use it to increase rates.
us insurance sounds insane, you are forced do deal with corporations in a scammy as fuck way
Oh, it only sounds that way because our US insurance system is fucking insane and forces us to deal with them in a scammy way!
How does it work elsewhere? We require doctors get malpractice insurance, and there’s growing support for making the police get liability insurance too.
I live in Estonia.
For one, car insurance depends on your basic demographics (car registration location, owner’s years of driving/insuring experience), the car’s power rating and make/model - and finally, accident history. For any type of insurance that covers your own vehicle as well, it also takes into account the age and value of the vehicle (for the mandatory liability insurance, that’s irrelevant).
For medical insurance, your prior medical history doesn’t matter, there are no premiums. Your options are (simplified, there are some others too):
Work and have social tax paid for you by the employer (they don’t get to weasel out of this with a regular work contract)
Be an entrepreneur and pay yourself at least the minimum monthly salary with social tax, the rest you can take out as dividends or invest into growing the company
Be a student, including university
Be underage (this also gives you dental! I do wish everyone got dental)
Be registered as unemployed and at least act like you’re trying to find a job
Have some sort of permanent disability that’s severely impacting your ability to work
Have a child under 3 years old
If nothing else applies to you, you can pay a certain sum which was either monthly or quarterly, to have the same health insurance (this is mostly for those entrepreneurs who don’t want to pay themselves even a minimum salary because they’re already loaded and would rather avoid paying payroll taxes on themselves and only pay income tax if/when taking out dividends). I suppose you could also do it if your income is entirely illegal and therefore untaxed.
If you hit any of these, you pay €5 per doctor’s appointment, with some exceptions. Private care is more expensive. If you don’t in any way qualify for the national medical insurance, you’ll have to pay for your procedures and stuff, but the prices are reasonable usually.
As for liability insurance for medical malpractice and the police - I’m not 100% sure, but I do believe that victims get compensated by either the hospital, or the government in the case of the police. In any case, it’s very rare for anything like this to happen luckily.
I do believe life insurance that pays out if you die prematurely or get a major injury or disease, will still depend on your medical history - or at least whether you smoke and drink alcohol.
You do realize insurance companies were recently proven to be purchasing data secretly created from our own vehicles so they could raise rates, right? Not sure it “works” here in the US…
How does it work elsewhere?
What’s especially hilarious is that my Ford Escape reads speed limit signs and then adjusts the cruise control to the new limit +5mph. They let you adjust that setting up to +/- 10mph, iirc.
Well yeah, they have to allow you wiggle room to knowingly break the law. How else are they going to maintain the partnership with law enforcement?
And that’s why I love old cars.
This is likely for new models of Interceptors so that cops don’t have to hold those heavy radar guns to generate revenue. Instead they can automatically ticket speeders while driving to the donut shop or their next victim’s house.
Cops hate this one simple trick!
No, they love it because they have to do less to cause more misery.
but what if I only went above limit for 1 second by mistake? vigilante snitching is not the police to decide to give me ticket
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Either that or it would be so lucrative we could fund universal healthcare
Except we all know it would fund cool new guns and tanks for your local municipality.
They would totally use it for infrastructure and continue to have single family housing. I.e. not learn a damn thing.
While I wish people would stop fucking speeding (you really aren’t getting there that much faster) and tailgaiting like fucking Talladega nights, I still think this is bullshit and fuck Ford for doing this.
The need:
Don’t drive over people, kids, pets or other items such as personal property or buildings.
The current status:
People don’t do those things because mostly they are good enough not to run you over. Bad people on the other hand have no internal limits to prevent tragedy.
The fix:
You can’t go faster than the speed limit. Bad people can still drive you over or hit your car or house.
You see how this works? The problem wasn’t even addressed. But additionally there’s the problem of “I’m at point A and would like to get to point B but not faster than the speed limit so the cop doesn’t shoot me 19 times in the back of the head.”
The fix: you can’t go faster than the speed limit. This allows you to get to point B. However the cop can still shoot you 19 times in the back of the head even when you didn’t do anything wrong.
Ford trying to patent a way to bankrupt themselves for when no one ever buys another ford ever again.
Don’t worry, the federal government will bail them out.
gotta syphon that money out of government somehow.
I’m curious if this would actually hold up in court as evidence that a person was speeding.
On its own to convict? Probably no. If the technology is hypothetically successful introduced and it pings to police, all they’d need to do is follow a route to the self-snitching vehicle and hit it with some of their own radar or lidar, then pull over the driver.
The vehicle doesn’t self-snitch. It snitches on other vehicles around it. It apparently uses cameras to do it. It’d only be able to tell cops where the vehicle was when the picture was taken, not where it is.
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I admittedly only knew it wasn’t self-snitching because I read another comment from someone that had actually read the article.
I did check to confirm before I actually commented myself, though.
That’s even less functional, and is to my thinking not even close to enough on its own to hand out tickets, as some people think this will be used for.
This was several years ago, so the law in my state may have changed, but I do remember reading that dashcam footage submitted by a civilian can’t be used by police to issue a ticket after the fact. It can be used as evidence for or against someone if the police do get involved, though.
To put it another way, the officer has to witness the traffic offense themselves in order to issue a ticket. But dashcam footage could be used as evidence to prove someone either was or was not speeding after the ticket was already issued.
The Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that “in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right … to be confronted with the witnesses against him.”
You have the constitution to thank! Same reason red light cameras were deemed unconstitutional in most places.