• TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    We’re in an era of populism and people are still trying to use the 2000s era to predict today.

    He doesn’t need to wide. his base, he just needs to motivate them. He need to to get more people excited about voting for him than Biden does those excited to vote Biden.

    It’s about turnout and driving a base. He’s wiping the floor with Biden right now in the polls. No one is excited to vote Biden. It’s not clear to me he even has a base. Instead taking heads are just trying to browbeat any one left of center into supporting Biden. It won’t work at scale. Bidens got to do his own work there, because it’s not currently Trump in office, it’s Biden. Always harder for an incumbent, especially one who has become deeply unpopular with the coalition of voters that out him into office. No amount of blue no matter who is going to fix Biden as a candidate. Only Biden can do that.

    • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Biden and the DNC know that

      It’s just what excites voters pisses off big money donors. And they picked the side neoliberals are always going to pick.

      And they’re hoping the threat of trump is enough to scare the serfs into line.

      From a psychology perspective, it’s a horrible plan. Especially after it has a 50% success rate in the last two elections. 2024 is a coin flip, and it’s only because we’re using trump as an excuse to run someone who’s first presidential primary was 2 generations ago.

      Seriously. A person born the year of Bidens first primary could safely be a grandparent for this one. In some red states, a great grandparent already.

      He’s never been a popular candidate, just had the luck of getting the primary handed to him and getting to face the literal worst president we’ve ever had the general.

      • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Mean while, blue no matter who out here downvoting like this isn’t the case.

        Blue no matter who has proven to be a failed strategy in that it leaves you with weak indefensible candidates in competitive elections.

        Were probably going to get Trump, and it will be 💯 due to Democrats and the Blue No Matter Who coalition. But just like Hillarys shocking arrogance in 2016, these ass holes will yet again fail to understand that they themselves are the problem.

          • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            Hillary Clinton, was and is, one of the most singularly arrogant politicians to have ever existed.

            She opted out of campaigning in the entirety of the rust belt, because it was ‘her turn’.

            She viewed voters as obligated in voting for her. She was wrong. Dead wrong.