• 7 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023

  • I don’t need to worry about that, but I have standing wagers with several people here on lemmy and elsewhere that Biden both:

    a) wont be the nominee,


    b) wont be the next president.

    So I’d have to pay up? But I’m not worried about that in the slightest at this point (I got a bit excited after his ‘decent’ state of the Union back in March that he might flip on Gaza, but no, he dug his grave further).

    Too many other seats are on the line to run Biden.

    I took several bets where I was able to get anything from 10:1 or 20:1 in a parlay for a) and b) back in April. I’m confident enough now to do even money if there is no time line associated with it (other than obvious ones like the convention). All in all I probably have about a couple hundred on the line right now? Its all on these two outcomes.

    I’ll take 10:1 that Biden isn’t the nominee at the end of this week if you are willing to offer it, and even money that he isn’t the nominee (no timeline) or president. I’m also interested in parlays if you have any you want to propose.

  • I mean, this conversation is happening in public. People see you being, and having been, entirely on the wrong side of all this, in such a way that you’ve damaged our ability to stop Trump. We can fix this, but we have to act now. We’re able to fix it in-spite of you, not because of you. You are still blocking our ability to stop Trump.

    You’ve gaslit yourself into a state of complete denial and delusion. And yes, I’ve been caught the brunt of the down votes from other people as delusional as yourself, for months; years. But they were wrong, and you were wrong, and I’ve been right this entire time. My worldview accurately predicts future states. Yours (and theirs) doesn’t.