CNN reports:
Helen told the Post that President Joe Biden tried to call her, but she declined to speak to him since her husband ‘was a devout Republican, and he would not have wanted me to talk to him.’
But she added that she does not hold the current president responsible for what happened to her family.
‘I don’t have any ill will towards Joe Biden,’ she said. ‘I’m not one of those people that gets involved in politics. I support Trump, that’s who I’m voting for, but I don’t have ill-will towards Biden.’
Let’s see:
Decides who to ignore calls from based on her husband’s wishes
Claims to not be involved in politics, yet supports a certain candidate
Yep, that’s a garden-variety republican.
The important takeaway here is that Biden made an effort to reach out.
Ok my respect is quickly dropping for these buffoons caught in the crossfire. But it’s like interviewing an attendee from a nazi rally, what should I expect? Critical thinking? Morals? Hah!
“devout Republican” haha… They’re a religious cult.
Why would you have any respect for Trump supporters going to a Trump rally? Just because they were unlucky? They’re still shitty people.
It’s a little more complicated for me considering my family once was Republican during Bush’s first term. Rural, Appalachian, Pennsylvanian. I know some of these people most likely. Dumb people who know no better. Manipulated by rich interests. Feeling many pressures no doubt but too uninformed to point the finger at the right problem.
They Thought Were Free is a great book that explores this ignorance endemic in the Third Reich.
Ok, I get that you have a strong desire to humanize them. But humanizing someone doesn’t mean you automatically respect them, other than affording them the basic level you’d give any other semi-sentient being. What is there to respect in people who cheer on an addlepated, narcissistic, fascist manbaby?
Yeah I’ll admit respect probably wasn’t the best choice for words, but as a father I respected his shielding his family from bullets, which is probably what led to use of that word.
Thanks for the new word addlepated. It’s like a fancy way to say shithead
Right…because you’re so great at critical thinking
I’m not a Trump supporter, so yes, definitely a step above.
Granted the bar is on the floor but still.
What about their comment lacked critical thinking?
The baseless accusation of a lack of critical thinking clearly shows a lack of critical thinking.
People using devout to describe their political views unironically is the scariest thing I’ve read today.
devout Republican
I had the same thought. It’s not a sports team and not a religion. But man, some people treat it like that.
If your husband got killed by a fly ball at a baseball game and either coach called to give their condolences you’d accept the call.
Unless it was the Astros of course
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One day she’ll realize that after her husband was killed, the candidate she supports cared more about his shoes than about him.
Sadly, she won’t realize shit. These people don’t have revelations about who they support politically. They bury their heads in the sand eternally. I still know people who are die hard George W Bush supporters and think he was the best president we’ve ever had.
I still know people who are die hard George W Bush supporters and think he was the best president we’ve ever had.
Honest question: do those folks say that because of how that campaign and presidency made them feel at the time, or is it honestly based in policy, politics, or something else tangible? Thank you.
Honestly, it’s a mixed bag of all three. For some, the nostalgia of that time is very strong and for others they feel like GWB embodied the best of the Republican party(which says so much about the Republican party). And some are just bullshit contrarians who want to shut the people up who tout Obama and Biden’s accomplishments.
Thanks for the insightful reply. I appreciate it.
Americans–especially those older–tend to hold favorable views of past presidents even if they didn’t approve of them in office. W had a majority favorable opinion even among Democrats in 2018, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the number were higher now.
I’m glad I’m not the only one repeating this.
He was more concerned about his shoes than:
Following simple directions Getting off stage Acknowledging his staff was in danger Getting the fuck away from danger Asking about anyone else being injured Leaving the scene
But no, he needed to stand on stage AND at his get away vehicle to throw his fist up like he personally took down the gunmen.
I cringed watching the SS try to get him to safety and he refused. I was just hoping no one else was going to get shot while he tried to be some kind of “hero”.
Why am I getting downvoted?
People think this lady is smart enough to engage in critical thinking later, despite what we’ve seen from her?
I think it’s also important to note that we didn’t hear about this from Biden’s camp. They did their job cause it was the right thing to do, not for some publicity stunt.
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You can’t discount the selfish and hateful as stupid as even the most vile people can be cunning. I’d agree that the median conservative would be less intelligent than the median liberal, but that discludes the folks looking to take from others their money, freedom, and time in order to enrich themselves monetarily or psychologically. Not everything can be Hanlon’s razor’d, sometimes people just enjoy sucking.
- Not involved in politics, simply supports the same party as her husband without questioning it
Just as the republicans want how women should vote?
Biden is a better man than Trump will ever be even with half his brain turned to jelly
Which brain is jelly in this equation?
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You deserve an award for the stupidest comment of the day
To be fair, it’s probably not even their stupidest comment of the day.
He has made others. MANY others that are equally as dumb. You’ll have to check the mod logs to see them- as they’ve been removed because they’re just that fucking stupid.
Removed, misinformation. Temp banned for multiple offenses.
So you have time to make up shit about illegal immigrant mass murders but you can’t respond to my receipts of the Heritage Foundation call to hatred when you first got on the Lemmy bloc? Lemmy dont forget anything but meme reposts, son. Where’s them links on those illegal immigrant murder victims not getting a call from Biden? I want them.
You’re aware that the first illegal immigrants on this land were white, right?
And boy did they commit mass murder
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She’s the husband of someone killed who was in the crowd…
I see where you’re coming from, but you got a lot of facts wrong in your comment.
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Your original point is a straw man fallacy, and thus deserves no response. Get your facts straight before you give us any more of this vitriolic attitude please.
If you could stop being a prick for 10 seconds you might notice that I already did respond to your original point.
How can your expect anyone to take your argument seriously when you mix up the wife of a murder victim with the mother of a murderer and then respond by being a defensive asshole when corrected?
It’s entirely possible that one day someone on the internet might say something like, “oops, I got that wrong, my bad” but today is not that day.
Better to just act like a brat.
This was the rallygoer, not the shooter. There were two deaths at that event.
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You are accusing the widow of a rallygoer who shielded his family from harm of having a would-be assassin son. You have your facts mixed up.
I’ll bet Trump hasn’t given the guy a second thought. All of Trump’s thoughts are about Trump.
I’ll bet Trump didn’t give him a first thought.
“I really don’t care, do u?”
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4 day old account, nothing but very negative rated posts about right wing talking points, “oh gee I wonder if this is a sincere and reasonable person with some valid points”
Sound the alarms queer mafia, we got an infilltrator!
Ready the “Block User” button! Fire!
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How do you do that? All I see on Voyager is block or send message.
Removed, trolling, misinformation.
It’s almost quaint by this point how she believes this orange turd cares about her.
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Maybe he thinks they are a “loser” and a “sucker” because they didn’t survive. Wouldn’t be the first time he said that about dead Americans.
Sounds on brand.
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Piece of shit doesn’t contact piece of shit about piece of shit, shot by piece of shit.
Seriously. She even refused a call from Biden. These people are ignorant fools who can’t help themselves.
Why would she? Her husband did his job and helped Trump get more votes. That’s all that sack of shit cates about.
“Well I got hurt too”
-Trump… probably
More like “get over it” I presume.
“I prefer supporters that don’t get shot.”
The ‘too’ is superfluous
Trump supporters are really something else.
And that something else is idiot fucks
Photos of Trump’s wife’s gravesite.
How does any sane person look at this guy and see anything except a pig?
If he promised to be to the Left of Bernie I still wouldn’t vote for him.
How the hell can his daughter even stand him? Isn’t Ivana HER mother?
Grooming. No doubt he’s fucked (more correctly, raped) her.
I’ll assume that Ivanka building a mausoleum would upset Daddy, and she’s not going to upset the applecart at this point.
He’s a horrible person, and makes everyone who contacts him toxic
I’m… How did I not know she died? In 2022? What??
From a fall in her home? Oh my goodness.
What am I supposed to be taking away from this? Why is this presented like it’s evidence of an argument?
I posted this three days ago.
68 upvotes. That means at least 68 people understood what I was saying.
You are the first person to ask ‘what does it mean?’
So, even as baffled as you are, what was your wildest guess as to why I posted it, and why other people agreed with me.
If there were no upvotes, I might consider that I’d been too obscure. As it is, I question your understanding more than my position.
So you don’t get it either?
Then why’d you post it?
My guess is you’re trying to depict not landscaping the area as an act of disrespectful negligence, but… it’s the outer part of a golf course. The outer part is supposed to be rough and harder to navigate, to punish people who hit their ball there.
Of course he wasn’t going to bury her in the green, or the fairway. Those areas must be maintained, and there a gravestone would disrupt people who were hitting their ball accurately.
Am I way off-base here? You’ve chosen twice to be unhelpful as to your intended meaning now, so I’m not sure I’m bringing up points that will even resonate with you.
Am I way off-base here?
If you were in a club and a comic made a joke you didn’t understand, would you assume they didn’t know what the joke was.
You are the only one posting about how confused you are.
Like I said, if I was getting a lot of people asking, I’d edit my comment.
At this point, I just assume you understand it, but you’re playing the “Ignorance Is Strength” card.
You know, like when folks ask 'why do gays need to get married?"
Ok, well, I guess I’ll never know what the problem is, then, since you are too stubborn to clear it up (or don’t know yourself).
At this point, I just assume you understand it, but you’re playing the “Ignorance Is Strength” card.
Does that confuse you too?
It’s almost like Trump doesn’t give a shit about anyone else.
She won’t. He doesn’t like anyone from his cult, they’re just too dumb to see it.
Apologies for appearing insensitive, but this sentence is hilarious.
“It was going to be a nice day with the family,” she continued. “It was a bad day.”
We just wanted to see the fat child fucker, but it wasn’t as nice as you might think.
the Cuban Missile Crisis was not poggers
Reports are that he went golfing today.
He did just get shot. Maybe once the adrenaline wore off he wasn’t in too great of shape. His age and poor health won’t be helping him bounce back quickly.
I won’t begrudge someone their favorite hobby after getting shot, even if they are an asshole.
But it means he certainly has time to attend to his fellow victim.
I’ve never been shot. I don’t know how much it sucks.
He might be in worse shape than we’re led to believe. He might have lost hearing in that ear. He might be unable to focus on conversations. I don’t know.
I suspect we’ll hear him mention it when he’s ready.
Maybe he should go see her in person.
Not that I work in an ER or anything but his injury isn’t even the most gruesome one I’ve seen this week. I’m sure it doesn’t feel great, but it’s not THAT bad of an injury.
I agree that he’s in worse shape than we’ve been led to believe. He clearly can’t focus on conversations (just ask any of his former cabinet)
I suspect that we’ll hear about it once the media outcry starts making him look bad.
Time, yes.
Ability? No.
But she’ll still Vote for Him because she’s NOT in a Cult!
Although her husband was a “devout” republican… uh huh