• 2 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • I am not saying that she deserves to be in danger, but if you’re going to donate money to her, please remember that she is a registered Republican and she’s even run for a Senate seat as an ® in Louisiana back in 2009, so make certain that she’s worth your money over other causes you could be giving to right now. Just because she’s against Trump doesn’t mean she’s on our side.

    At best she’s a grifter. Being a porn star and a Republican Senate candidate in 2009 is a bold move, and sleeping with Donald Trump is pretty nasty.

    Pivoting strait to “For the Love of DILFs” just felt like a cheap cash grab, but also follows the pattern of a grifter using reality TV to make fast cash, and an LGBT-friendly dating show immediately after scoring points on the left for humiliating Trump just screams grift to me…

  • clearly violence was not a serious part of the plan to overthrow the government.

    This is the single most delusional string of words I’ve ever read.

    You go from claiming that there was no coherent plan, to saying that the plan is “clear” enough that we can rule out violence as a part of it.

    4 people fucking died in a coordinated attempt to storm the capitol where an armed mob assaulted and killed police officers, smashed through windows, pissed and shit in hallways and offices, and demanded that politicians be killed.

    And you’re saying that violence “clearly” wasn’t part of the plan?

    Is this some kind of bit where you pretend to be as stupid as possible, because I don’t get it.

  • You misunderstood my “LOL.”

    This misunderstanding isn’t on me. It’s not on others to understand what you mean regardless of what you say, it is on you to speak precisely. If you’re going to use “lol” in extremely insensitive contexts like this, you can expect people to be unhappy with you. For 35+ years now “lol” has been shorthand for laughing at something because you think it is funny. You’re never going to write “lol” in such a way that anyone will interpret it as some sort of nuanced “this is laughable” statement, especially when you write it it all caps imply that you are having a hard laugh.

    With that said, nothing about this is funny, and no use of “lol” here is appropriate as it sounds celebratory at worst and dismissive at best.

  • There’s only one way you’re not getting Trump, and that’s by voting for Biden and making sure as many other people do too. Complaining that you don’t like your choices, while a valid and understandable complaint, isn’t going to get you any closer to what you want at this point in the election cycle.

    So when people tell you that “you want Trump”, it’s not necessarily that they think you’re an actual Trump supporter. They’re saying that you’re asking for a series of events that would undoubtedly hand the presidency to Trump, and now in order to oppose Fascism we also have to oppose you, because you stand in the way of the Fascist losing the election. It’s easier to group you in with everyone else carrying water for Trump than to logically separate you just because your motivations aren’t pro-fascism, but rather self-destructive idealism.

  • This was already the arrangement. That’s why Trump was even at the Supreme Court. He was asking for them to decide that everything he did as president was an “official act”. They gave the right to decide that back to the lower courts, where it could theoretically come back to them with a more specific set of actions that they need to decide upon.

    Of course, the idea that the SCOTUS is corrupted to the point that they would protect Republicans and sabotage Democrats is a worth discussing, but that seems like a wholly different issue that we allowed the highest court in the country to be corrupted by overt partisanship.

    It doesn’t seem so much that the claim is that the SCOTUS gave Trump immunity, but that nobody trusts the court system to draw that line to begin with.