In 2017, Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress tried to eviscerate the A.C.A. and almost succeeded in passing a bill that the Congressional Budget Office estimated would have left 22 million more Americans uninsured by 2026. There’s every reason to believe that if the G.O.P. wins control of Congress and the White House in November, it will once again try to bring back the bad old days of health coverage. And it will probably succeed, since it failed in 2017 only thanks to a principled stand by John McCain — something unlikely to happen in today’s Republican Party, where slavish obedience to Trump has become almost universal.

If you want to preserve that access to health insurance, it’s worth checking your voter registration, getting involved as a volunteer for the Democrats and doing what you can afford to provide financial support

    6 months ago

    You’d be astonished how much of a money printer companies like Pfizer, UHC, Cigna and Aetna are… and they have enough money that they can buy an awful lot of politicians. Obama care itself is fucking awful - it’s way better than what we had before - but it enshrined the ridiculous grift based economy we use for health services.

    These companies should not exist.

      6 months ago

      and they have enough money that they can buy an awful lot of politicians.

      Thing is, they don’t need to buy an awful lot of politicians. Republicans are already on their side because Republicans are assholes. They only need to buy just enough Democrats.