James Carville is a person nobody should take advice from ever again.
Carville needs to ‘strategically retreat’ back into whatever Louisiana snake hole he slithered out of.
I thought it was the ark of the covenant.
I dont think people give early family guy enough credit for shitting on conservatives
Speaking of, If you don’t watch American Dad I’d highly recommend. Been my favorite show from MacFarlane for a while now.
I love all of Seth’s stuff honestly, I started watching The Orville recently and its fantastic. American dad is good too.
The Ollie North song lives rent free in my head.
Cajun style
Carville took a governor from a backwater state and got him into the Whitehouse despite his opponent being one of the most popular Presidents at the time.
Carville isn’t stupid he’s just wrong in this case
You’re, right he did. In 1992.
As far as I can tell, his political strategy has not evolved even a little over the past 3 decades, as he continues to push unpopular ‘compromise candidates’ and continues to tell people to ‘sit down and shut up’ whenever they suggest maybe the Democrats should chase some reforms that benefit the working class rather than simply appeasing the Wall Street paymasters.
I don’t know if stubbornly sticking to the same failing strategy for 30 years makes you ‘stupid’, but it certainly doesn’t make you smart.
To add to that, even though he helped get Clinton elected, Clinton’s main accomplishment was making the Democrats more useless to the people as a result. Third way Democrats have been an abysmal failure from a progress perspective. Some of Clinton’s “main accomplishments” were helping demolish the welfare state, and increasing the incarceration rate.
Obama, in retrospect, can be viewed as a third-way Democrat as well, and the primary policy accomplishment his presidency produced is a Republican think-tanked, half-measure healthcare policy that was largely a gift to the insurance companies even at the onset and has since been left out in the field to be continually picked at by vultures.
I was wondering this morning why Democrats don’t seem to really have effective policy think-tanks like the Republicans do and then I thought maybe they just use the same ones.
Policy think-tanks cost money. Since the owner class has all the money, all the think-tanks serve the owner class.
Are you being serious? There are absolutely democrat leaning think tanks.
all the think-tanks serve the owner class.
and this:
There are absolutely democrat leaning think tanks.
aren’t the contradiction that you think they are.
You need to pay closer attention to who controlled Congress under Clinton. Most of what you list as Clinton’s accomplishments were bills introduced by a conservative run Congress.
If you are unaware of what the democratic think tanks are you should address that.
Sure, he had a congress of the opposite party for some / most of his terms. You know who else had that? Nearly every president ever elected to office.
It makes it ever the more important to use what little time you have to push your agenda through, to veto things you disagree with, and sit your court appointees.
I also realized I left this “point” unaddressed:
If you are unaware of what the democratic think tanks are you should address that.
Dude, I’ve been a bigger political news person for 20+ years than most people bother being. I can name organizations like “the Heritage Foundation” and the “Cato Institute” without a reference. You know why? Because these think-tanks are effective. Note my original comment. I said “effective policy think-tanks”. Would you consider democratic think tanks effective when Obama with a sweeping mandate from the people unlike anything else I’ve seen in my lifetime wound up producing a copycat plan of a Republican governor?
Sure, they may exist, but if they do they’re not what I’d term “effective” and me looking up their names isn’t going to make them that way.
That isn’t true? Post WW-II to 1992 it was controlled by the democrats.
Think about where Clinton getting elected for the first time falls on that chart, vs. where we are now.
What relevance does this have to James Carville?
Worth noting almost the totality of the increase of productivity from the late 1970s- present are tied to technological improvements in the factory. The worker hasn’t become more productive the machines have which is why it is important for the workers to own the means of production as it avoids this payment issue.
The relevancy it has is his strategy was successful when the US was still riding on the coattails of the New Deal and Great Society and was still perceived as being relatively egalitarian. But as inequality and worker exploitation got worse and worse and worse and worse AND WORSE, electing third-way neoliberal fuckwads doesn’t work quite so well anymore!
That’s a massive stretch given these things happened 14 years before Carville was running Clinton’s campaign.
The point is not that the problem started with Clinton (because it obviously didn’t); the point is that Clinton running on “third way” neoliberalism was still a viable strategy because the effects weren’t being widely felt yet.
The Democrats seem to have come up with two strategies so far: either (1) wait and hope someone does something, or (2) play dead and hope someone does something.
You forgot collect donations
Dude hasn’t been correct about how to win elections since 30 years ago, and hasn’t been correct about policy ever.
And then he won because he was running Bill “I don’t literally hate black and gay people” Clinton against a proven liar who tanked the economy, in an America that cared about those things.
Also Ross Perot with a steel chair
I don’t usually take advice from fucking fossils. Sanders is the exception.
Seriously, Carville is fucking 80, hasn’t he been myopically dictating the direction of this useless fucking party long enough?
You know, Kristen, when Abraham Lincoln was in Gettysburg, looking out on the field with so many had died to defend freedom, he talked about a vision of America where we have a government of the people, by the people and for the people. What we have right now in Washington, let me be very clear, is a government of the billionaire class, by the billionaire class and for the billionaire class.
What a banger of a quote
“Let me be very clear” is such a Bernie-ism… even unattributed, it’s so easy to tell that it’s him.
Truly a global loss that he was never given a fair chance to challenge for the Presidency.
I want a Bernie version of this https://youtu.be/q6JxuxqXqOI
One of the main architects of the status quo democrats thinks democrats need to respond to getting stomped by maintaining the status quo? Color me shocked.
The Democrat Party and the Republican Party have never been at odds in their position that their political donors should run the government.
The parties have largely just been the vehicles for turning corruption into legislation. Now that open corruption is legal, there’s no need to upset the cart, the Democrats are just waiting their turn.
Bro, let’s try throwing away one more principle, bro. Just one more. Bro, one, please, one more, bro. Just one. Then we’ll get votes again. Bro. Just one, bro. One principle. Bro.
“What we have right now in Washington, let me be very clear, is a government of the billionaire class, by the billionaire class, and for the billionaire class.”
Get some Bernie
“Let the bus continue to accelerate off the cliff, then the Republican voters will be mad at the driver!” says the corporat Dems sitting on the bus.
I would add, says the corporate Dems, sitting on the bus with a parachute made of money.
As usual, Bernie is spot on.
And, as usual, Carville is a grifting neoliberal coasting on winning one election against an unpopular president 32 years ago.
Everytime I see him on TV he’s spouting nonsense about shit no one in the real world cares about. Wish they’d quit putting that irrelevant SOB in front of a camera
Sanders channels Lincoln while Carville channels a possum—guess which inspires voters?
I’m a little out of the loop, what are all the cat faces in the comments about?
The cat emojis represent a playful ranking system inspired by “MeowMeowBeanz” from Community.
Short clip of the episode: https://youtu.be/CI4kiPaKfAE
Lol love it, though I’d like to see the conclusion of the old guy’s rant so I’m only going to give it 4/5 meowmeowbeanz.
🐱 🐱 🐱 🐱
This is such a silly callback, I love it.
😺 😺 😺 😺 😺
Carville is a DNC talking head moron and always has been. If we’re taking advice from that idiot we’re in even worse shape than we thought.
What’s Carnival smokin?
He probably smokes whatever the DNC tells him to.
The trees the New York Times is printed on wishes they were toilet paper instead.
Smack Pelosi out of her seat. Let AOC take over.
Democrats: … maybe if we do more neck exercises we can learn to stretch our necks more so that we can send our heads further into the hole in the ground we’ve been using
After the 2016 election, until the 2024 election, the Democrats won every election of every National political body except the House in 2022. It was a solid run electorally.
You can complain about what those political bodies accomplished, but not that they didn’t win.
Yeah they did well in 2018 and 2020 when Trump was last in office. Not so well outside of the condition of Trump being demonstrably worse.
Why is our main advocate still ancient? Is there no one younger willing to take this fight?
AOC is the closest
Alas, AOC has two thing working against her that the centrists & the right will never get past: she has boobs.
She speaks to the working class. that’s all she needs
I wish that were enough.
The right just elected someone with boobs, homie
Haha sexist joke so funny
Even if AOC being a woman was a problem (it’s not), it’s not something you can change. So how about we stop making sorry excuses and start posting news and memes about her as much as we did for Trump instead?
It’s not a joke. Too many American voters are completely put off by the idea of a woman for president. It’s stupid, it sucks, but it’s true. The patriarchy isn’t an imaginary construct.
Her being a woman is not a problem for me, or for you, or maybe not for anyone with any sort of common sense, but if centrists & right-wingers had common sense, they wouldn’t be centrist or right-wingers.
There are, but the media does not want to spread their message
The generation gap in leftist political figures is quite apparent, yes.
Strategic retreat… Cajun style.