No wonder Trump likes him. He must think he’s like Jeffrey Epstein reincarnated or something.
No wonder Trump likes him. He must think he’s like Jeffrey Epstein reincarnated or something.
People want to believe that they’re informed. Want to believe that they know things others don’t. That they are wise. And will push back when challenged. Because they don’t know the one thing every wise person knows. Just how much they don’t know. Fools are confidently wrong. The wise are cautiously correct.
That’s because they’re both a coalition, and their voters expect improvement. Often unrealistically from them. To the point that they let unobtainable perfection get in the way of whats achievable.
Whereas Republicans/conservatives are fickle. Driven by their fears. They don’t expect or care about improvement. Just that “others” are hurt worse than them. The GOP itself found out the hard way that it isn’t really power. Someone always eventually comes along with equally empty promises and rhetoric but simply a more extreme tone. To steal their sheep away. All that borrowed and abused power evaporating completely. Because it was never theirs.
Please elaborate. How much is AIPAC giving in total. Who are the groups who could give more, but aren’t. And why aren’t they.
Not all Israelis are zionists. Not all zionists are israelis. You are still refusing to understand the full scope of things.
When Reagan broke the unions, single-handedly neutering the largest base of support for Democrats at the time. Groups like The aipac moved into fill that void. If Democrats could easily abandon aipac money by now they would have. As much as it would be morally correct to do it. It would be a bit of a political death sentence as long as money is considered speech.
Democrats are not a monolith. There are highly right wing wealthy democrats. And then there are Centrist to socialist Democrats Like Bernie Sanders etc. The Democrats are a coalition party. And unfortunately the only realistic party the left has at the national level due to the way the system works. So whether or not you like it you need to get used to acknowledging it. Not doing so is What’s led to a lot of the division we’re dealing with now.
Especially right now. A large chunk of Democratic Leadership is aging out or close to. A significant focused push could see a much more left-leaning Democratic Party. Maybe even someday a possible speaker Ocassio-Cortez. Parties, their make up, and their policy changes generationally. All we have to do is engaged with the system. Stop fighting for scraps on the side.
Yes, that’s the whole reason wealthy fascists, foreign governments, and Republican establishment fund and assist nominally left 3rd party challengers. Especially in national elections where they have no chance. Specifically to disadvantage Democrats and the left in general, helping fascists win. They’ve been doing it nearly a half century or more now.
Keeping the left divided is the best way to keep it out of power.
Republicans have en mass sought to defund or end democratic rights and institutions constantly. Both within the United States and without. For the last 50 to 100 years and you are skeptical? Trump held a coup in 2020 and should not have been allowed back on the ballot and you’re skeptical? Our Supreme Court has gone out of its way to give him total immunity and you’re skeptical? He said he’d be a dictator on day one and you’re skeptical? The people who were in his administration and that he still surrounds himself with are the ones responsible for the fascist project 2025 whose goal is to overthrow the United States and you’re skeptical? You’re having problems with definitions. That’s not skeptical. That’s willfully naive or ignorant. Not skeptical. Listen to what they’re telling you.
Yes! The institutions have been heavily rotted over the last 25 years at minimum. If not 50 to 100. Yes trump could deliver the finishing blow. He’s only said he would. Many many times. And thank you for that straw man argument. Because absolutely voting is one of the least things. One of the easiest things anyone could do. And yet so many are seeming to fail so hard by not understanding the basics of how it works. Or what’s actually at stake.
I 100% agree. They’ve literally said that they would end democracy. Saleh calling literal democracy, a convenience? Is very irrational and suspect.
Democrats absolutely need to be better. But they’re not going to get better if we keep splitting the vote and failing. The only way to make Democrats better would be to make them us. And the only way to do that. Would be to stop splitting the vote. Instead running Democratic candidates for all levels of the party as both Democrats and green party, or Democrats and any other left leaning party. Long-term either consuming the party from the inside or somehow magically replacing it from the outside are the only two options. Eating them alive is far more doable and possible to happen. And if we lose democracy even that becomes less likely to even impossible to happen. Because then we will only have one party and it will be the worst party.
Democracy as a convenience I think is a pretty bad/shit take.
I think we absolutely should stop enabling and covering for those occupying Palestine. Especially for the DECADES long genocide. But if you think ending democracy will accomplish that. I hate to break it to you. But it won’t. And if you think a Republican win doesn’t mean at least significant erosion of democracy if not an end. You haven’t been paying attention.
It does. Depending upon how you use the term. If you use it in modern slang vernacular. Then no. There is no liberal media. But if you use the term as it’s historically been used. Nearly all media including conservative media are liberal media. Where liberal means economic liberalism / capitalism. Their problem with the liberal media is. The liberal media does whatever sells. It will happily sell the truth or a lie. But only whichever one sells most. And thus authoritarians cannot count on it to constantly push their lies and rhetoric.
Then they are Zionist institutions. Not Jewish ones.
While not voting is in no way similar to a vote for. It is saying that they are comfortable with that outcome. And don’t care enough to vote to make sure that it doesn’t happen.
As the other poster pointed out. They’re using the term with reference to economic liberalism. What the US was founded upon. What we today generally refer to as capitalism. Economic liberalism is a mouthful. It was generally shortened to liberalism and it’s adherence called liberals. The modern use of the term is a warping of that. Realistically wealthy Democrats and Wealthy Republicans are both liberals. Just not the Liberals you would be referring to with the term liberal. You’re using it as slang they’re using it as a proper noun/term.
Yeah the one that really stuck with me was the one where he was watching a bunch of Chinese huddling under a bridge in order to access heavily censored and controlled internet through an organizations nearby Wi-Fi. Because their communist Utopia didn’t provide them access at home. Saying that the West needs this sort of thing. I mean if I were to try to assume the best of him I can only imagine he thought it must have been some social club or something?
Not to mention some of the really strange stance changes groups like even The Young Turks have taken of late. One would have to be extremely naive to think that Tim pool or even just right wing commentators were the only ones contacted and contracted by Pro authoritarianism groups.
It was a dream. But a good one. Until we manage to go full communism someone will have to make something for their time and effort in order to live. But if we broke up most of the media. And put strict regulation against publicly owned companies owning or trying to pass themselves as anything relating to news. It would be a good start. Stuff being privately owned does not automatically make it more factual. But at least an owner might have a reputation that they could value. When it comes to publicly owned companies. Where the bottom line is profit. Truth and factuality are the first things sacrificed.
I can’t say I’ve watched anything more than clips of him really. And some pretty poor logic in many instances. Some of his biggest shit takes tend to center around china etc. Largely because he’s trying to court the leninist/tank space. A bad idea.
Though ironically your comments almost exactly mirror those of another political youtuber. Vaush. I don’t watch all that much of him either. Just again Clips every once in awhile. He has his own issues. But doesn’t change his views to be popular like Hasan. Whether that’s good or bad.
Nah. I mean fuck the wealthy etc. They absolutely are part of the problem. But many of them depend on migrants and immigrants. The reason Democrats and Republicans are both courting the xenophobic bigot vote. Is because they’re unfortunately one of the largest most influential groups. Blame education, talk radio, social and corporate media. They’re all at fault. But more importantly so are their product. The median xenophobic American.
As a first nations descendant, i can safely say. America has always been a bigoted racist country. We were one of the last industrialized western nations to end slavery. And 150 years on. We’re actually still debating whether that was a good thing or not. Decades of tolerating fascists and racists has seen them flourish. And we’ve seemingly learned nothing.
Simple, projection.
The US has always been okay with this. They don’t teach this in school. But they should. The United States was one of the biggest inspirations to the Nazis. From the Jim crow south beating, jailing, and suppressing their unternensch. To the fabulously wealthy capitalists practicing eugenics on their untermensch. Literally, the only slight new take the Nazis had. Was the fantasy ayrian precursors.
Hell even lemmy’s perpetual good boys. Well if you’re talking too ML or tankies. Had a very cozy working relationship with Hitler. Invading Poland. Even when they broke it off. Stalin went on to massacre thousands of ethnically polish citizens within Soviet borders.
None of these groups ever really had any repercussions from this. One of the big reasons the Nazis failed was Japan’s attack on Pearl harbor. Which finally tipped things from the American fascists quiet support of Hitler with public calls for isolationism. Turning away boats of Jewish refugees. Combined with the discovery of the death camps. Without those things, the US would have stayed out while continuing to support Hitler. But IBM never faced repercussions for helping Hitler catalog and track Jews on the way to slaughter. DuPont was never held responsible for making and supplying the gas to Hitler to slaughter the Jews. Our fascists simply bid their time. Russia going from authoritarian to fascist authoritarian government today. With our fascist capitalists slowly dismantling our democracy over the last 100 years. Only some fascists lost WWII.