I can see the future: Republicans scream unmercifully, then Trump gains office and pardons everyone charged during his previous administration followed by Republican cheers.
IDGAF anymore, there’s no accountability left on either side of the aisle.
Having elected a treasonous insurrectionist, in direct violation of the 14th Amendment, made it as clear as day that we are not a nation of laws. If anyone really needed that clarity.
Love how this has literally turned into yet another Trump thread…
That’s fine, Biden might as well do whatever he needs to do, this country’s justice system is a joke anyway and it’s just going to get worse
whatever he needs to do
Why does he need to do this? He’s a public servant, how does him pardoning his son help anyone but himself his own family?
Biden might as well do whatever he needs to do
No one would care if did what the country needs…
Instead he’s using his final weeks to make sure Israel has enough arms for their genocide and his crackhead son who committed gun crimes doesn’t have any consequences.
George Bush didn’t care about Black people, but these days both parties ignore 99.9% of the population and get mad if we don’t worship them for existing.
If we keep running politicians like this, you can’t act shocked when we always lose. Or the few ones we will, nothing changes.
For real. Fuck Joe Biden, I regret voting for him.
Instead of stopping anything, might as well save your own right?
In the end, the Democrats chose to uphold norms instead of the the rule of law. And that’s why we’re all fucked.
Issue a pardon of yourself for having Trump’s entire cabinet sequestered, call it national security, and then don’t think twice because SCOTUS said it was cool.
Oh brother…
Lol…I love how Reddit and Lemmy are defending this… if this was Trump pardoning his son… the SHIT storm it would create…
Trump pardoning his son for something would just be another drop in the bucket at this point. No shit storm, probably barely even mentioned. Just another bullet point people would use in their examples of his corruption
Hell he’s got thousands of criminals all lined up to be pardoned when he gets his power back, from January 6th rioters to people he broke the law with in his first administration
Don’t underestimate how different the standards are between the parties right now, somehow trump became immune to the shit storm, he can do anything he wants and it just gets swept into the pile
Hey I want a pardon too. Joe please adopt me so you have an excuse to pardon me.
I just need a pardon effective from [Day of my Birth] until [Day of my Death]
Sincerely, your fellow American who doesn’t wanna get a random trumped-up charge of treason under AG Child Diddler Gaets.
My dude, you’re being hysterical. That’s not gonna happen.
Gaetz withdrew, so you’ll get charged by AG Pam Bondi.
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Lol its a joke. Idgaf about Biden, I just want a free pass to commit crimes like
checks notes
peaceful protests
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Well if I got a pre-emptive pardon, I might do a Jan 6.
Maybe. No promises tho. 😉
Chalk another tally on the “both parties only care about themselves” tally sheet.
Crackhead son committing gun crimes in his 40s?
He’s just a kid!
Random kid with a little weed tho? That’s a “super predator”.
Never forget while the Clintons took credit, Biden wrote the Crime Bill back in the 90s that fucked a lot of stuff up. And I’ll eat at least two hats if he actually deregulates cannabis on his wa out, he doesn’t give a fuck about regular people.
DEmOCRAtS Don’t reSpECT thE RULe oF law