I’ve heard conservatives say “Banana Republic” like 30 times since yesterday, and not once did they talk about fruit companies taking over the government of a South American country and influencing it. Literally, they’re so stupid.
I guarantee you plenty of them think the phrase comes from the clothing store.
Fruit companies didn’t take over these countries, it was the US military that did and handed control to the fruit companies that were based in the US.
The weirdest clip was of dune woman rambling and sobbing about Trump in what is known as “religious ecstasy,” a phenomenon that is exactly as unsettling and gross as it sounds.
Ah, she drank the Water of Life.
As is written.
Aqua Vitae!
Mental illness masquerading as religion in America is wild af
That’s not what a “Banana Republic” means.
Right! We definitely have more than one export!
A bare breast
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Both men and women have equal rights to toplessness in NYC. It’s hardly a thing to see people topless in nyc parks and beaches in the summer.
Juliet Germanotta took out her bare breast and shoved it in the Trump critic’s face.
“You’ve got to understand that there are millions of Americans that don’t register their guns, me being one of them. And, I’m ready for everything that’s coming, because give me Trump or give me death,” she said.
Yes officer, that’s her.
This genius just admitted to an international reporter that she committed her own felony!
Folks, they’re sending their best…
Two. Sexual assault is a felony as well.
Germanotta — a self-described “sexy, 42-year-old transsexual who likes Trump”
What the fuck?
If you’re looking for logic in the mind of a Trump cultist, you’re going to be disappointed and have a migraine.
I know, but sometimes you look at Jews for Hitler and scratch your head.
She loves him enough to kill for him, and he’ll happily throw her to the wolves just for being trans.
That’s really fucking sad.
Someone in the comments said Germanotta is a liberal plant trying to make Trump supporters look bad.
I don’t think anyone needs to try to make Trump supporters look bad…
I know, right? Who goes from being a Lady Gaga fan to being a Trump fan?
Talk about An Incredible Journey.
The uhh… “censoring” there was a suggestion at best it seems.
That’s the most aggressive flashing I’ve ever seen.
Germanotta, a Manhattan resident of 25 years, said […] “You’ve got to understand that there are millions of Americans that don’t register their guns, me being one of them. […]"
See that? That’s admitting to committing a felony. In NYC, you MUST register each and every firearm. If Germanotta has firearms that she hasn’t registered, that’s a felony.
This is something you abso-fucking-lutely do not ever say in public.
If you need any proof that this is not going to erupt into Boogaloo 2 or whatever the hell they call it, it’s these chucklefucks.
Not… a BREAST!
clutches pearls with white knuckles then faints
This is in New York City, I thought that was commonplace now.
I don’t know if it’s commonplace, but it’s definitely legal, so it wasn’t much of a protest move.
Juliet Germanotta took out her bare breast and shoved it in the Trump critic’s face.
Germanotta, a Manhattan resident of 25 years,…
My Brain - At least it is probably a hot young titty. (Rereads it) wait never mind.
-Brain has left the chat.
You were blinded by the Gaga Effect.
l’d be kind of curious if the people protesting are specifically of the opinion that he’s innocent of the fraud charges, are protesting some kind of other charges against him, or think that he’s guilty but don’t care about that and are just objecting to selective enforcement of the law or something.
Or if they don’t really have a very clear picture of what the legal situation with him is.
I mean, this didn’t have anything to do with the election, which I would think is what most people would care about. This is out of his private life.
He committed fraud (falsifying business records to pay Cohen) in furtherance of election interference (Killing multiple stories that would have been detrimental to his campaign (Pecker explicitly states this as the reason), and then hiding the payments is a kind of campaign contribution which was not disclosed) crimes. So yes, it actually does have something to do with the election. Just the 2016 election. It was rigged. Because he tried to rig it.
I may be high on parentheticals.
It really, really pisses me off that the Trump people have been able to successfully re-frame this as “he was tried over cheating on his wife.”
which is hilarious, because it’s well documented that he’s cheated on each of his wives. He’s quite Gingrichy.
I like how they’re split on whether or not they admit he slept with Stormy Daniels.
He didn’t sleep with her. But when he did, it was consensual.