the alternate universe where the sony actually made that CD drive for the snes
the alternate universe where the sony actually made that CD drive for the snes
while metroidvania is an apt comparison souls-like games and specifically dark souls games feel a lot like classic dungeon crawlers ( but with real time combat instead of grids. Which in the case of fromsoftwares earlier games kingsfield, makes a lot of sense.
people like larger phones because they like social media. For people in developing countries a cell phone is their only personal computer so for them having larger screen more preferable. People just like larger phones. I loath them because I don’t have pockets. I could probably live with a dumb phone, but mobile banking, and maps are too useful of a feature for me to live without out. tbh unless your a power user or gamer there really isn’t much of a reason to upgrade your cellphone anyway
while not necessarily the prettiest console by any means but i always thought the Og xbox home menu went way harder than it needed to, now that’s presentation!
re-volt and quantum redshift
I personally like the idea and can see the appeal, it looks like it might being going for a more modern style “point and click” or gamebook type text adventure and tbh the free-form type your command text adventure games can be a pretty frustrating if the parser programmed poorly.
its old but it isn’t retro at least not yet. Most xbox 360 games have modern game design none of them have that “retro” feel. Its an old system but none of the games feel old. Now the OG xbox being considered retro makes me feel like a dinosaur.