As long as it makes Musk mad 😂
As long as it makes Musk mad 😂
Then how do you feel on the minimum age?
But there’s a certain point where your age does matter when you’re trying to do what is said to be the most stressful job on the planet.
The stress from the job is just going to make them have those cognitive decline faster at the age that they’re at.
So age does matter. Where it should not be the only marker, it should be included in the decision.
Also, there’s already a limit on how old you have to be to run for president. There should be a top end as well for the same reasons you are no longer reflecting the majority of your peers at that point.
And when you consider most 80 year olds don’t understand technology at all, and I haven’t met any 80 year olds that were up to date, it is a big factor.
Don’t you just love how it’s all about states’ rights when it comes to things like abortion, but as soon as it’s gun control, the states’ rights don’t matter.
You cannott undo dementia or Alzheimers the mans brain is going. With how few press conferences and speeches he has done without a teleprompter its fairly clear that this is NOT new.
He needs to grow a pair and gracefully step down, or he is just handing this to Trump on a silver platter.
Man its already a death sentance. They can’t hurt it any more than than that debate did.
Extremely, hopefully it pulls through on the side of the Archive
Especially when said shithead is fine with deadnaming people.