Это белошиз порвался, or do you just have a “Russian” friend, my dear loan shark lover?
Это белошиз порвался, or do you just have a “Russian” friend, my dear loan shark lover?
Tbh, I don’t know where they’re taking this from. The last official census in Ukraine was
I guess one can work something out from refugee statistics, but yeah, it’s very unclear just how fucked Ukrainian demographics are. Only that they are, unfortunately, very fucked.
Поздравляю. Ты карикатурен. Минуты скроллинга твоей русофобской истории только что окупились сполна смехом в голос.
В смысле руками пленных нацистов? Тут жаль только, что их потом домой выпустили.
Или руками советских преступников, которым платили и было гарантировано трудоустройство после окончания срока, а не полоскание на ветру, как в твоих любимых либеральных залупах, раб?)
start it right,
at least as a lib democracy
Выбери одно, бездарь=)
First of all, on the “irradiated world” and less devastating nukes. Modern nukes are way more efficient. More fuel reacts -> bigger boom and less pollution. Also, destruction of industry and infrastructure don’t happen in a vacuum. Subsequent chaos is gonna claim many more lives.
And the part about Russian and Chinese defense systems is hella wishful thinking. Maybe China can do something like that, but if anything, war in Ukraine showed that Russian electronic warfare capabilities have been overestimated as hell. All the “sanctions” on chips won’t help either.
Barring the potential, albeit low, threat of nuclear holocaust, because, as always, that’s not worth thinking about…
Nice. More dead NATO specialists.
Niger’s current government demanded that the US troops GTFO and these Russian troops are a “not Wagner” replacement for Wagner contingent that was in the country already. Officially there to strengthen relations and train Nigerian army.
As for barging into an American base while their troops are still there, that has to be a démarche of sorts, much like that message at the trophy display in Moscow.
I skimmed through some American statements about the whole thing and this might be Kremlin preventing Americans from stalling, because they said they’re pulling out, but want to keep presence for as long as possible, maybe waiting for an opportunity, considering situation in Niger isn’t exactly stable yet. Nothing like a threat of a major diplomatic incident to make people hurry, I guess.
P.S. The message I mentioned and translation for non-Russian speaking comrades: “Attention! Employees of the United States, the UK, Germany, France and Poland embassies are granted access to inspect trophy NATO equipment OUT OF TURN.”
The US also orchestrated bloody terrorist attacks in China through their Uyghur jihadi proxies and China did not directly accuse the US. They are playing the long game.
They have cause to. China can actually weaponize their economic connection with the US. Doesn’t work that way for Russia at all. The main loser of the “sanctions” is the EU.
I don’t think so. Perhaps that was the case at first but by now they seem to have resigned themselves to a more or less permanent break with the West. They have reoriented their economy toward the east and i see no indication of any intention to turn back to how things used to be. In fact a lot of Russian officials have said as much. It’s just no longer necessary. The West isn’t the only game in town anymore. In a multipolar world you have options.
Maybe if our government wasn’t kicking so hard while reality is dragging it towards industrialization. They still want to sit on a pipe and get fat. And the world isn’t so multipolar with that perspective. China And India will buy, but you better believe they will also capitalize on Russia having a very short list of available markets.
Yeah, let foreign intelligence agencies arrange terrorist attacks in the country for diplomacy with the global south. Great. I’m pretty sure the likes of Lavrov could sell expulsion of western diplomats to the global south fairly easily anyway.
The only real explanation for this festival of cuckoldry I see is that Kremlin just deadass still hopes to make everything the way it used to be in a few years.
There is no agreement NATO countries don’t break and I sure shit won’t root for economic integration back with Europe. There should be no door for negotiations with terrorists. And these are fucking terrorist states.
Especially no negotiations about nukes. Let them shit themselves in the night over uncontrolled Russian nukes, I don’t give a fuck.
And of fucking course none of the western involvement will be made public, unless the West makes it public. Gonna make it too hard to get some sort of deal some of the Kremlin libs are still hoping for, won’t it. The worst CIA American diplomats in Russia will get is another rude comment by Medvedev on Twatter and Telegram.
It’s from 4 years ago, but still works)