I just want to pause a moment to wish a “fuck you” to the guy who named an AI model “Cursor” as if that’s a useful name. It’s like they’re expecting accidental google searches to be a major source of recruitment.
they are the first thing that comes up when searching “cursor” in both ddg and google, so I think they’re doing ok
Yes, that is the problem I wanted to acknowledge, thank you for clarifying.
It’s not an AI model, it’s an IDE
My comment stands
Fake developer doesn’t use version control. Big surprise.
It’s a scary amount of projects these days managed by a bunch of ZIP files:
- Program-2.4.zip
- Program-2.4-FIXED.zip
- Program-2.4-FIXED2.zip
- Program-2.4-FIXED-final.zip
- Program-2.4-FIXED-final-REAL.zip
- Program-2.4-FIXED-FINAL-no-seriously.zip
- Program-2.4-FINAL-use-this.zip
- Program-2.4-FINAL-use-this-2.zip
- Program-2.4-working-maybe.zip
- Program-2.4-FINAL-BUGFIX-LAST-ONE.zip
- Program-2.4-FINAL-BUGFIX-LAST-ONE-v2.zip
I did that with documents in my Uni years.
By the end, I was using ISO timestamps.- Program-1.5-DeleteThis.zip
- Program-1.6-ScuffedDontUse.zip
- CanWeDeleteThesePlease.txt (last edit 8 months ago)
Inspired by a small collaboration project from a few years ago.
If we’re talking actual builds then zip files are perfectly fine as long as the revs make chronological sense.
I’m not. I’m talking about in companies where dev A wants dev B to do some work, but they don’t use git or any kind of source control, so you email over a cursed ZIP file, then dev B does the work and sends it back with a different name. It’s a highly cursed situation.
Yeah that’s bad.
Acts like SVN and CVS didn’t exist
Also like Reddit did
Don’t trust anyone who can’t spell ‘oops’.
Maybe he was cursing the god of dev ops
Nah his opps fucked up his backup.
His operations department?
Don’t worry, I’m sure Cursor will be able to clobber your git history and force push to master any day now
we just need a little more AI
You know, none of the “AI is dangerous” movies thought of the fact that AI would be violently shoved into all products by humans. Usually it’s like a secret military or corporate thing that gets access to the internet and goes rogue.
In reality, it’s fancy text prediction that has been exclusively shoved into as much of the internet as possible.
Genuine question: what would it take to poison an LLM with ai tools to run
git push --force origin main
orsudo rm -rf /
Pen Tester here. While i don’t focus on LLMs, it would be trivial in the right AI designed app. In a tool-assist app without a human in the loop as simple as adding to any input field.
&& [whatever command you want]] ;
If you wanted to poison the actual training set in sure it would be trivial, but It might take awhile to gain some respect to get a PR accepted, but we only caught an upstream attack on ssh due to some guy who feels the milliseconds of a ssh login sessions. Given how new the field is, i don’t think we have developed strong enough autism to catch this kind thing like in SSH.
Unless vibe coders are specifically prompting chatgpt for input sanitization, validation, and secure coding practices then a large portion of design patterns these LLMs spit out are also vulnerable.
Really the whole tech field is just a nightmare waiting to happen though.
Git wasn’t the first version control software. I remember using sccs back in 1991 and apparently it was written all the way back in 1972 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source_Code_Control_System
Just a heads up, it you don’t know how to use cli git in 2025 you’re probably a shit developer. There are undoubtedly exceptions, but I would argue not knowing version control intimately makes you a bad developer.
Why learn an archaic and honestly horrifying command line interface, possibly the worst CLI ever made in the history of computing…when nice normal graphical interfaces work better, have discoverability, have troubleshooting tools, and don’t require memorizing scripture?
Mate… Theres maybe like 5 “git + singleword” commands that cover 99.999% of all of your uses of git. Its really not hard.
Because they are universally incapable of coming anywhere close to the full power of git.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had GUI-only people ask me to unfuck their repo (fortunately not at my current job, because everyone uses the CLI and actually knows what they’re doing). It’s an impedance to actually learning the tool.
Ultimately any GUI is a poor, leaky abstraction over git that restricts many of the things you can do for little actual benefit.
Most cli stuff is a lot easier than programming. If you can’t use cli then by definition you’re a shit programmer.
Of course if you simply don’t want to use cli that’s a different matter.
There’s nothing ‘archaic’ about git’s CLI. I think you might just be opposed to CLI’s in general, which is fine for a regular computer user, but paints a grim picture of your competency if you’re a developer.
That seems unnecessarily harsh.
I find the built in controls with visual studio supremely convenient.
After using git init --bare for the remote repo I use the built in git controls for branching and switching out as well as syncing and pushing. Why not, the button is right there and it’s literally faster.
The difference is that PRESUMABLY you aren’t utterly dependent upon it. If vscode utterly fucks your repo with a shit command, you’ll not really have any trouble fixing it. That’s the huge difference. The point is not that all GUI controls are always bad all of the time, the point is that you need to know what the hell you are doing in git as a basic tenant of developer competency.
The fact that you don’t already know why and are dependent on GUI tools that you don’t fully understand is the reason that you’re probably not a very good developer.
Git is incredibly powerful. Knowing why and how is infinitely valuable. Nothing about git cli is archaic or even particularly difficult to understand. Also the man page is very excellent.
Ah, the no true Scotsman fallacy. Neat.
Your lack of rational thought backed up by facts rather than feelings is why you’re a bad developer.
See I can do it too.
But honestly even saying “nothing about the git cli is archaic” is…well, it’s either disqualifying or Stockholm syndrome, and Stockholm syndrome isn’t real.
I said that you are probably not very good. Your lack of git knowledge and your seeming inability to learn git means that you’ll likely never be able to function effectively in a development team and will only succeed in holding everyone back. Your lack of knowledge of version control overall is a massive point against you from the outset.
If you’re a solo developer and never need to collaborate with other developers then good for you, but you lack of version control knowledge means that you’ll also probably end up being one of the ones crying that you lost 6 months of work because of stupid reason x y or z.
Read up on fallacies, I did not use one. Your pathetic attempt to shoehorn anything that I said into a no true Scotsman fallacy just shows that you also have poor communication skills.
Holy fucking shit. I didn’t even catch the bit at the end. You really think that cli arguments are archaic??? I’m going to go ahead and assume that regex has you scared shitless as well. Fuck me, you are not a good developer.
Sidenote, something that will help you understand regex and you can test your strings against it in realtime, look up https://regexr.com/
As someone using git for the last 10 years by now: you’re wrong. No UI has managed to give me access to all the fuckery I often do very quickly on the command line. I was honestly surprised to see IntelliJ nowadays supports an interactive rebase, but reflog, which should be a basic git feature, is still not widely supported in most IDEs in 2025. Or adding, resetting or checking out files with regex. Setting up and modifying lfs. And these are all basic features, good luck doing something like using branch~n syntax for some of the operations etc.
Git UI is shit and will be for a long time.
Why learn a GUI that can change from release to release when I can learn a CLI once and be done with it. An additional plus is that CLIs are easier to script and automate.
I remember SVN
I want to forget SVN
I never understood the SVN hate. Then, as now, the problems are almost never caused by the tools, and almost always caused by the people misusing them.
I never got around to using anything except git, partly because of all the hate people would throw at the other competitors back in the day. Even if the criticisms were not fair, and even if it was all a secret conspiracy to kill git competitors, it definitely worked out for the best. Imagine the hell we’d be in today if we had to constantly deal with different VCS solutions.
It wasn’t really that big a deal. Most of them have more in common than they have differences. If anything, I experienced fewer problems in the age of SVN. It has fewer options than git, but it’s also a lot more intuitive and easy to learn, which counts for a lot when your largest limiting factor is your coworkers.
Not saying I want the world to go back to that, just pointing out the hate is really overblown.
I run a svn server at work
My condolences
I want SVN little explorer icons back! I want to forget Jazz RTC.
That’s tortoise, and have I got news for you: tortoisegit exists.
Letting your text editor write your code, not using version control… I don’t feel sad at all. Hope lesson was learned.
Why did the porn star become a network admin after retiring?
She was already an expert in load balancing
I need to put a SaaS together called vibe VCS
I made a game engine and a game back in highschool, but all that code is lost because I didn’t know how to use git. I knew git existed (and even knew enough to know it was better than mercurial or svn), but I was too lazy to learn.
just press Ctrl + Z several times! /s
I wonder how you managed revisions to punch cards…
Just tape it over.
How do you view old versions?
Remove the tape.
That’s a lot of tape to manage ヽ(゚∀゚ヽ)
They actually used red tape for that, and this is why burocracy is called red tape, because they had to fill paperwork everytime a code change was needed or reversed.
Coloured punch cards? I have no idea either.
Easy, pens, eraser, tape and writing comments on the card