Truly the year of the Linux desktop
Truly the year of the Linux desktop
I do not like this
Listen all I did was feed a few kids into a wood chipper. I didn’t know what was gonna happen, the sales guy said it was a transformative experience and the kids would never be the same afterwards. Fuck me for trying I guess.
In the interests of playing fair, what is china doing right for it’s population right now?
It’s capitalism but without all of the massive self-restraint of the US
Did you even read what you linked?
If there were a dash I would accept engine, ie n-gin-x.
But it’s spelled enjinx
The correct way is njinx because enginex is a dumb spelling and is too much like twitter
It can also be more safe depending on where the centralization happened.
Id argue that if decentralization is the goal, matrix is the right path forward.
Just like the non-technical backdoor
What are you talking about?
You used it with keepassxc?