“Any plan to forcibly deport Palestinians outside the occupied territory against their will is a war crime, and when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack on the civilian population, it would constitute a crime against humanity”
Isn’t that one of the classifications of genocide?
What Biden did was genocide. Great leader’s final solution on “the palestinian question” is just genius diplomacy and politics.
Could you imagine how much worse Harris would have been?!?
It certainly isn’t part of being a good neighbor. And Trump and his look at genocide as a bonus when they do something shitty.
The US doesn’t recognize the ICC so it doesn’t matter
Unfortunately, neither Netanyahu or Trump are going to care what Amnesty International says, right or wrong.
Countries need to be assuming that nothing is beyond the Trump administration and then plan to deal with that.
No US president has actually cared about anything Amnesty has called them out on since, like, forever. Still glad they’re documenting and advocating for human rights so those of us that do care can get reliable information.
No, they do care. They get off on being evil.
Most of the orange shit Gibbon’s speak is the same