Just a small correction, it’s abets.
Just a small correction, it’s abets.
For the next 12 days
Nah, there will be a celebration on the streets outside the venue.
Iirc it’s an echo location thing.
Lol, you think a person who implements such a policy will apply it to themselves?
Not if you’re salaried exempt!
Do they think Putin cares?
As a spectator to this, I have to say I find it pretty amusing how confidently incorrect you are.
Your link is talking about banks having cash on hand, but the person you’re trying to argue with was talking about accounting practices.
A lender has a finite amount of money it can lend. Whether that money is transferred electronically or physically is irrelevant.
A lender uses a credit score as a tool to see whether the person can be trusted to pay back the loan, because people who default usually end up costing the company money.
It’s more of a metric to see if a person has a history of making poor financial decisions rather than a way to see what someone’s disposable income is.
This is why medical debt is a bad metric. It doesn’t give any insight into an individuals financial decisions, because the individual almost never chooses to go into debt.
Even if a person paid off their medical debt through a collections agency, it can still be on their report up to 7 years later.
Yeah, adhd is the only reason I have any debt at all.
I kinda want to start a company that will manage money for people like me who struggle with keeping up with such things.
If you have good insurance
With global warming, it’s about to be prime real-estate.
A lot of us tried, but we were outnumbered.
Greenland has oil, and it’ll be prime real-estate in a decade or two once the equatorial regions are inhospitable.
It does matter; they love it.
It means she wants to be Trump’s next SC appointment.
It’s already fucked the rest of the world up. Our far right cancer has been spreading.
You’re very wrong.
All of that would increase his support.
I like how they lead with weed smuggling instead of violent crime.
The US has a bunch of socialist policies, it’s just that the people who complain about socialism don’t know what it means.
It’s like comparing a speeding ticket with Ted Bundy.