
The ACLU filed a federal lawsuit challenging President Trump’s executive order to deny citizenship to children born in the U.S. if their parents are unlawfully present or have temporary legal status.

The order, set to take effect in 30 days, conflicts with the 14th Amendment, which guarantees birthright citizenship, upheld by the Supreme Court in 1898.

Critics argue the order creates a “subclass” of noncitizens, undermining fairness and equality.

The lawsuit seeks to block the order, which also directs agencies to stop issuing passports and recognizing affected children as citizens.

    2 months ago

    Ok, hear me out: this may be an opportunity to make a deal.

    Because I am willing to bet that the number of people with citizenship due to “birth tourism” is far less than the number of DREAMers in the country. And I am also willing to bet that there are a lot of “accidental Americans” who were born here, then their family immediately went back home, and who do not consider themselves American in any way, yet the IRS wants to tax their income. (Wasn’t that clown Boris Johnson in this predicament, and have to formally renounce his US citizenship when he ran for UK Prime Minister?)

    Schumer and Jeffries should call Donald Trump up right now and say that if he supports the DREAM act and adopts the bipartisan immigration framework from last year, then they will support an amendment that pushes this issue closer to what some European countries do: only give citizenship on birth to people who have at least one parent who is a US citizen, permanent resident, or has formal refugee status. They will have to carve out an exception for newborns who have no practical claim for citizenship anywhere else, but how often is a child born here whose mother has no citizenship claim anywhere else?

    Heck, find a way to call it the TRUMP amendment and he will be instantly inclined to agree.

    I am willing to make a bet that there is a way to modify things to be a net benefit for everyone: DREAMers get to stay, nobody becomes an “accidental American”, and, perhaps most importantly (to him), Trump gets to say he did a thing that neither Obama nor Biden did - amend the Constitution.

      2 months ago

      Why are we talking about Dreamers again now, when they weren’t talked about for the whole 4 fucking years of the Biden Administration? The June Executive Action was fine, but it will now obviously go nowhere, if not be rolled back. Tired of these people being used as a pawn piece. Legislation should have been pushed in '21 and finally taken care of them.

      2 months ago

      I do appreciate you offering a solution, but I am in no way comfortable with letting he or anyone within his sphere opening up write-mode on the Constitution.

      Perhaps it hardly matters as it has been reduced to being used in the loo for a while now.

        2 months ago

        But that’s the whole point: we’re not giving Donnie a sharpie and telling him to go to town, we’re trying to work together as a country to address things. In fact, the President has no role at all in the amendment process. You need 2/3 of both houses of Congress, then you need 3/4 of individual states to ratify it.

        If the President wants to do this the right way, he will need Democrats’ help. And that involves making a deal. He says he is a bigly deal maker, and if he makes this deal his influence will easily push that amendment to the majorities it needs.