• Snot Flickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    11 months ago

    I mean, I get it, but like… so the other side (Trump & co.) is able to make mistakes and be absurdly emotional over petty fucking bullshit, and it’s just sort of accepted and okay for them?

    I’m so sick of everything being tilted towards we can never appeal the people who are obviously acting in bad faith and everyone who is operating in good faith has to endlessly cross every T and dot every I while the other side essentially plays the pigeon and knocks all over the chess pieces while shitting all over the table and strutting around like they won.

    Like, I get that some people have legitimate grievances for appeals, but I’m so sick of a justice system that hands people with money an effective endless route to act in bad faith to drag out cases and get away with it. Why is there no legal recourse to deny such things to people who are painfully obviously operating in bad faith? Why do we have to keep letting them get away with it to make the case “iron clad.” I don’t fucking get it, it seems like the whole system is set up for people like Trump to actively exploit it.

    Why the fuck isn’t there more demand for reform of our criminal justice system? Not just the painfully obvious two-tiered justice system that favors the rich and politically connected, but just this basic idea, that the rich can’t just endlessly look for fucking loopholes to try to drain the other side of money to fight the case. Too much of our system really comes down to who has the most “Fuck You Money” to spend on lawyers for the longest, and I’m sick of acting like that’s fucking okay somehow. It isn’t, period.

    This kind of behavior should be grounds for denying future appeals, not handing them out like fucking candy, for fucks sake. He lead a fucking coup, and if our government can’t grow a pair of balls and start treating this accordingly, he’ll end up pardoning himself and then being an insane autocrat who gives out capital punishment to his enemies.