The data show the Democratic Party retaining advantages among people of color and young adults, but in 2023 it was in a weaker position among these groups than at any point in the past quarter century. Democrats’ reduced support among Black and Hispanic adults should be especially concerning for the party, given Republicans’ continued strength among White adults, who remain the majority of the electorate.

    7 months ago

    I mean, they just supported an utterly horrible border policy. We just moved 8 steps to the right on immigration, and gained precisely 0 for it.

      7 months ago

      Consider further complexity - Ukraine desperately needs funding to fight a resurgent Russia. Put simply keeping that conflict isolated prevents a broader one across eastern Europe and us out of it. A strong Russia helps Iran which makes that conflict worse.

      The immigration policy has a lot of bad in it - but it’s reform the GOP demanded to pass other issues. They just refused to accept “yes” to their own policy and have to run on that. Consider if that flips the House and retains the Senate actual, far better policy can be enacted.

      The GOP is backing Russia and is desperate NOT to solve….anything. Democrats are at least attempting to polish the current DC turd. Biden has to back Israel and is telling Netanyahu to back off Gaza. The GOP sure isn’t.

      The nuance is the GOP policy should be blamed on them. It was a master stoke to call their bluff and say “ok, pass it”. They never wanted it to actually pass any more than they wanted to lose Roe v Wade as a campaign issue. They’re screwing themselves.

        7 months ago

        Democrats have to find a better way. it’s why leadership is hard and few are good at it. It means finishing jobs and bringing ways through.

        Biden is a joke of a president, and a bad one. We were told that we had to not fight too hard in the primaries because we that would empower Trump.

        These strategies focused on damage reductions dj harm mitigation have done nothing but make the situation worse.

        This was an entirely terrible play by the Democrats. They are shit at politics and worse at strategy. We need real, bold leadership right now and Biden nor the rest of the Democrats are up for it.

        This dumb ass play will be followed by another, worse idea now than the media has patted their backs for it.