• juicy@lemmy.today
      6 months ago

      Biden is actually doing the genocide. Kushner is just flapping his lips. If we were talking about Americans starving instead of Palestinians, no one would be making excuses for Biden. But it’s brown people overseas, so it’s just an unpleasant fact we need to make peace with.

  • Riccosuave@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Remember, Lex Fridman platformed Jared Kushner and Tucker Carlson in front of his millions of listeners, allowing them them to further propagate their right wing propaganda. Lex is a fucking hack, and a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

    • juicy@lemmy.today
      6 months ago

      He also platformed a Palestinian in a powerful interview. We don’t need to be so afraid of words. People can think for themselves.

      • Riccosuave@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        I’m not afraid of words. I am expressing my own displeasure with Lex Fridman by using words right now. If you don’t agree with my opinion then that is your prerogative, but what I said was factually accurate. You won’t find that same factual accuracy in either of those interviews, and that is the fucking problem.

        • juicy@lemmy.today
          6 months ago

          An interview isn’t meant to be factual like a news report. The whole point is to hear someone’s perspective. Friedman’s project is to expose his listeners to a broad spectrum of views. That’s an honorable goal.

    • Maggoty@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Why would you say that and then share a 1 minute clip?

      Here’s the full interview. link

      It’s so much worse than just the bits everyone pulled. Including begging the question of why Gaza couldn’t build itself into a resort destination, why the refugees don’t want to leave the borders of Gaza, and a lovely gem where he says Isreal is doing the most anyone’s ever done to avoid civilian casualties while wondering why they don’t evacuate civilians.

      • answersplease77@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Thanks for the full link. I was on my phone and no one in the post or site page linked any video so I quickly searched youtube for anything short at least. It’s very clear by what he said that he doesn’t view palestinians as humans. His zionism is extremely repulsive

  • RandAlThor@lemmy.ca
    6 months ago

    What a piece of shit. And this guy was running US foreign policy? Wow. Saudis must be regretting paying this man $40m a year to manage their billions.

  • Crass Spektakel@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Actually he is right about the Gaza coast being wort BILLIONS.

    See, the Gazans could have gone the Monaco way, build a tax haven at the Mediterranean. They got so much financial help they could have build a luxury tourist resort like Monaco. They could literally have become all millionaires.

    But taking it away from them just because they are too dump to exploit the opportunity? Nah, rather not. It is better to mock them for living like cave men against better knowledge.

      • Crass Spektakel@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Cave Men are humans. They just prefer to life in caves. What is wrong about that? Your statistics misses the marker for the Gaza-Rocket attacks. Actually within the last 19 years there wasn’t a single day they didn’t shot rockets and grenades at Israel.

        • Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          Everything. That’s incredibly racist and a complete fabrication. Palestinians are normal people that want to live a normal life, which is impossible under the daily violence Israel uses to maintain the apartheid. Israel has always bombed Palestinians in gaza, both during the wars they regularly wage on Gaza and during times of relative peace.

          Year before Oct 7 - Jewish Voice for Peace

          2023 is ‘deadliest year’ for Palestinian children say human rights groups

          HRW Events of 2022

          HRW Events of 2023

          • Crass Spektakel@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            Again you forgot to mention that Hamas has been shooting rockets at Israel for 15 years. 100 per day was considered peace time. By the way, the war will be over as soon as Hamas surrenders. بمشيئة الله. أو في هذه الحالة، بمشيئة حماس.

            Obviously they are really keen to wage a little war every now and then so don’t take that from them. The have free will and are masters of their own choices: If you go to a gun fight with a knife - don’t blame the gun owner.

            The Geneva convention doesn’t know about “fairness”. It simply states that every combatant is a valid target, no matter how incompetent he is.

            And by the way, you are dehumanizing cave men. Being a cave men is a personal decision and shouldn’t be used fuelling prejudices.

            About Hamas in the bigger picture:

            JLOTS in Gaza

            • Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              Dude, are you ok? Palestinians are not ‘cave men.’

              If you stopped dehumanizing palestinians for a moment, maybe you’d recognize Hamas began twenty years into an Occupation enforced with direct and systemic violence, with the goal of ending the occupation. Collective punishment has been a deliberate Israeli tactic for decades with the Dahiya doctrine. Violence such as suicide bombings and rockets escalated in response to Israeli enforcement of the occupation and apartheid.

              Hamas in its early days, according to former Israeli officials, was seen by the government of Israel as a counterweight to the PLO. Israel supported Hamas as a way to break the PLO’s hold on the region. Retired official Avner Cohen, who worked in Gaza in the 1990s and oversaw religious affairs in the region, told the WSJ in 2009, “Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation."

              And in the backdrop of the 2006 election were geographic and political divides between Gaza and the West Bank. Contrary to what Bennett claimed, Israel restricted Palestinians from moving in and out of Gaza, as well as between the strip and the West Bank, since at least the 1990s, after the first Palestinian Intifada, or uprising, according to Al Jazeera. In addition to Gaza’s borders, the Israeli government controlled its coastline and airspace, allowing for military incursions into the territory, and, in 2007, established the blockade on goods and people that still exists as of this writing.

              People Claim a Majority of Palestinians in Gaza Elected Hamas — Here’s Why It Isn’t That Simple

              Hamas founding charter and Revised charter 2017

              This is a brutal occupation that is an apartheid regime, uses martial law, and military courts, the theft and extortion of water, the exploitation of Palestinians as a workforce without rights, state-backed settler violence, the deprivation of human rights for Palestinians, the destruction of schools, the destruction of hospitals, the destruction of homes, the starvation of children, the execution of women and children, the inhuman torture and abuse of Palestinians and yes even children in Israeli prisons. The point of dehumanizing rhetoric like ‘cave men’ or ‘savage’ is to normalize human rights abuses, war crimes, and . If you see palestinians as human, the same as Israelis or anyone else. It’s completely clear that the Israeli apartheid is completely unacceptable, yet it’s been the reality for decades and decades.

                • Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
                  5 months ago

                  If you were serious, you would read those sources and realize how dumb of a question that is.

                  Ceasefire History

                  Oct 9 2023 - Hamas official says group is open to discussions over truce with Israel - Reuters

                  Oct 16 2023 9:41 AM - Israel denies ceasefire in place to allow entrance of aid to Gaza - Times of Israel

                  Oct 27 2023 - Hamas official demands ceasefire for hostages to be released - Fox News

                  Oct 31 2023 - Fighting in Gaza intensifies as Netanyahu rejects calls for cease-fire - CBS

                  Nov 5 2023 - Israel rejects ceasefire calls as forces set to deepen offensive - Reuters

                  Nov 14 2023 - Hamas’ armed wing says it is ready to free 70 Israeli hostages in return for a 5-day cease-fire - Business Insider

                  Nov 23 2023 Temp Ceasefire Begins 24th

                  Dec 1 2023 Temp Ceasefire Ends

                  Dec 8 2023 - U.S. vetoes ceasefire demand as UN secretary general warns Gaza ‘at breaking point’ - CBC

                  Dec 12 2023 1:31 PM - U.N. General Assembly votes in favor of cease-fire resolution 153-10; U.S. and Israel vote against - NBC

                  Dec 20 2023 - Hamas insists on end to Israel’s offensive in Gaza before hostage talks can begin - The Guardian

                  Dec 25 2023 - Hamas, Islamic Jihad reject Gaza gov. overhaul for permanent ceasefire, Egyptian sources say - Reuters

                  Jan 3 2024 - Hamas says there must be a permanent ceasefire deal in order for remaining hostages to be released - CNN

                  Jan 10 2024 - US defends its veto of call for Gaza cease-fire while Palestinians and others demand fighting stop - AP News

                  Jan 22 2024 - Hostage talks continue as Israel rejects Hamas demand for full IDF withdrawal and a permanent cease-fire - NBC

                  Jan 31 2024 - Netanyahu rejects Hamas conditions for ceasefire, refuses to release ‘thousands of terrorists’ - India TV

                  Feb 7 2024 - Hamas ceasefire proposal details - Reuters

                  Feb 14 2024 - Gaza cease-fire and hostage release talks appear to stall as Netanyahu and Hamas trade blame - AP News

                  Feb 20 2024 - US blocks ceasefire call with third UN veto in Israel-Hamas war - Reuters

                  Mar 6 2024 - Officials say Hamas has continued to press Israel for a commitment to a permanent cease-fire after a multistage release of all hostages, but Israel has refused. - NY Times

                  Mar 22, 2024Why Biden Proposed a UN (temporary) Ceasefire Resolution That Was Vetoed by Russia and China - Time

  • GBU_28@lemm.ee
    6 months ago

    Almost comical how comicbook villain he is.

    It’s like a troll tried to craft the most annoying inflammatory statement they could