• In fairness to the Greens, they actually had the right paperwork prepared and ready to file, and it was refused with the state officials saying to file incorrect paperwork instead.

    I feel this is bad in terms of (non-legal) precedent - the GOP might be able to use a similar strategy to keep the Dems off the ballot in the future in any battleground states where they control both the governorship and the state legislature.


    Dems: Here’s the correct paperwork. Put us on the ballot and see you on election day.

    State officials (GOP affiliated): No, wrong paperwork. Fill this out.

    Dems: You sure? We think this is right.

    State officials: Yep, you gotta do this one or no election for you.

    Dems: Fine.

    National GOP: They filled the paperwork wrong. Keep them off the ballot.

    Dems: Nope, we were told do this by the State.

    State officials (GOP affiliated): Sorry, we made a mistake. You’re off the ballot.

    Dems: Courts?

    Courts: Sorry, but you’re still off the ballot even though it’s not your fault.