• themeatbridge@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    I welcome her efforts, and agree with her that Trump is a cancer upon the party.

    But Trump is not some invader to the party come to conquer. He is the natural product of a brand of political narcissism that she’s supported and espoused her entire public life. She’s like a tobacco executive with metastatic lung cancer, who has suddenly realized that cancer is bad but doesn’t think people need to stop smoking. They just need to cut out the cancer, and then they can go back to enjoying the smooth taste of Conservativism.

    She’s brave to go against the party. She’s smart to recognize the opportunity she has to reclaim control of the GOP by helping Kamala and the Dems. If Trump loses, and the Dems take the House and Senate, she can point to the loss and say “See, I told you so.” But anyone that falls for that line has a very short memory.