U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris has repeatedly claimed that she worked at McDonald’s while getting her undergraduate degree in the 1980s. This claim has been reported by multiple reputable news outlets, but aside from Harris’ own testimony, there is no independent evidence such as a photo, employment record, or confirmation from a friend or family member to verify the story. Harris has invoked the alleged McDonald’s work experience throughout her political career, including in a 2024 presidential campaign ad and during a 2024 appearance on “The Drew Barrymore Show.” Other prominent Democrats, such as former President Bill Clinton, have also repeated the anecdote. However, some internet users have challenged the claim, with unverified reports that “McDonald’s Corporate sources” have no record of Harris working at their locations. Snopes reached out to Harris’ campaign and McDonald’s headquarters seeking evidence to corroborate the claim, but as of the report’s publication, no such proof has been uncovered. Without tangible evidence to independently confirm or debunk the story, Snopes has rated the claim “Research In Progress” as they continue to investigate.

  • ccunning@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    This is a little weird. Even in this day old thread it seems someone is watching us…😳

    I’m not sure I understand what you mean by that, can you clarify a bit?

    Just saying someone who isn’t me (or presumably you) is voting on our comments

    It was good, but…well…I don’t want to spoil anything for you.

    • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Oh! Yeah, I have a mini-downvote brigade that downvotes every single post and comment I make. Usually within a minute or so. I know who one of the guys is, and I called him out on it and he got really mad, and set up another account just so he can do it. I blocked him, but he hasn’t blocked me.

      He legit thinks he is getting some sort of “revenge” on me by downvoting everything. All because I mentioned I was gonna vote third party. He never forgave me.

      I know how he is, and I am so used to it, I take it for granted. He cried, “You have no proof! That’s uncivil! Please prove it!” And here he is again! lmao

      The fact that he is so obsessed with me that he follows me on every post is so weird to me. But meh, it doesn’t bother my day at all. :)

      • ccunning@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        I have a mini-downvote brigade that downvotes every single post and comment I make. Usually within a minute or so. I know who one of the guys is, and I called him out on it and he got really mad, and set up another account just so he can do it.

        Wow - that’s crazy. Are you sure? How do you know?

          • ccunning@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            I just pointed out someone but you’re saying you know who it is.

            …or maybe I misread ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            • ccunning@lemmy.world
              1 month ago

              Anyway - We’re getting off track.

              I’m curious about this:

              **Peace and Anti-Militarism:** I need a candidate committed to ending endless wars and the military-industrial complex.

              What does this mean to you? Most people would prefer peace over war, but do you believe there are limits? Or do you believe in peace over all else?

              • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.world
                1 month ago

                I’m done with this conversation. Made my point. Several times. We’re done.

                And ya know what? I have a really strong sense that you’ll figure out who that guy that is stalking me is. Like a really really strong sense. You know what I mean?

                Tell him I said hi, will ya? And that he’s still not breaking me. Even under his other account names. Oh and let him know that I have some more articles I’m posting, so he can prepare to log under his different accounts to get ready to downvote!

                I mean, if you come across him, and all. You know, just doing your average things on Lemmy. I feel confident in your ability to really understand him.

                I feel really, really, really strongly that you will understand exactly what he wants to accomplish. But hey, remain civil, right?! :)

                • ccunning@lemmy.world
                  1 month ago

                  I’m more interested in a genuine conversation where we respect each other’s views, even if we don’t agree

                  What happened to this? I don’t think I disrespected you or your views; I was just trying to learn more about them.

            • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.world
              1 month ago

              Yeah, I know who he is. Such a weird guy too. I mean, he has multiple Lemmy accounts, and always wants super detailed answers when someone disagrees with him.

              I mean, it’s almost like, he thinks he is soooo smart and soooo clever, that if he tried hard enough he can bait me into getting angry with him.

              But alas, I am not angry with him at all. I think he’s a pathetic incel. And I’ve DM’d with him. And all this time, he’s tried to rage bait me. But it’s never worked.

              And that just makes him sooo mad! Weird, right?! And he was so darn convinced that I’d be banned by now.

              So it’s his mission. And he thinks that he can hurt my feelings by downvoting posts. Isn’t that crazy?! lmao

              And he’s such a loser. He liked posting screen shots of conversations, DM’s, really really loves to point out how many posts I’ve made since I started my account.

              Weird, right? I mean you’d definitely think that guy is weird, right? To be so obsessed with someone just because he didn’t break them.

              Yeah, so sad. Pathetic.

              I’m sure you, of all people, would definitely agree with how pathetic and sad he is. Right?

              • ccunning@lemmy.world
                1 month ago

                Whoa - that got dark 😳

                Sorry I stirred up such angry feelings in you. I thought we were just having a friendly conversation.

                • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.world
                  1 month ago

                  As I have told you many times in our previous conversations. Oops! I mean, we are new friends. So we couldn’t have had many previous conversations. Right?!

                  Anyway, I’m not angry at all.

                  I’m just saying that other guy, who you are totally absolutely not, that HE is pathetic and sad. What makes you think I would be angry? Just talking about how sad some other guy is for stalking me under various usernames on this platform.

                  You know what would be funny tho?! Us talking about someone who is really you because you are under a different screen name?! Wouldn’t that just beat all?! Right? Wouldn’t that be crazy?!

                  Ohhh man. Really glad that’s not happening. Whew, right?! I mean, can you imagine how pathetic and sad that guy would be for having yet another screen name and still stalking me. All just because I am not voting for his candidate?

                  But nah, that couldn’t possibly be you. Right? We are way too friendly! Right? Sharing movie tips, and things. You know, staying civil and all…

                  • ccunning@lemmy.world
                    1 month ago

                    We have talked before, and it has always been friendly except one time I asked you to give me space and you refused.

                    I have never talked to you with an alt account, though. I can be 100% sure because I don’t have any alt accounts on Lemmy.

                    It sounds like you’re tilting at windmills. I hope you’re doing ok. You know; mentally and everything.

                    Best of luck 🍀