UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, Reem Alsalem, says countries who advocate women’s rights must ‘walk the talk’, applying their principles consistently and without selective advocacy by avoiding arms transfers that facilitate the killing of Palestinian women by Israel.

Pregnant women, mothers and young girls are particularly vulnerable, she explains, as they face a sharp increase in miscarriages, malnutrition, and severe dehydration due to the dire circumstances.

“Mothers and would-be mothers have been targeted by the genocidal machine,” explains Alsalem. “They cannot even feed their newborn kids, not to mention the terror and desperation they feel because of the constant need to flee seeking safety in a place where there is no safety, the bombardments, the constant attack, the arbitrary executions, destruction of their families, family homes and with it the photos and items commemorating their family lives.”

  • geneva_convenience@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    And in your infinite racism you have classified the actions of those men as what Islam prescribes without ever having done any research.

    If they love the oppression of their home country so much, they should stay there.

    Most of them fled because America destroyed their country. A culture of death and oppression glorifying its military at every step.

    “The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion […] but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do.”

    • Samuel P. Huntington,
    • Buffalox@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Most of them fled because America destroyed their country.

      Ah yes Americans made the Muslims discriminate against women. Several Muslim countries have not been in conflict with the west for decades, and they’ve had no progress in that time. Iran got clearly worse when they introduced their own sovereign rule. Turkey has gone backwards the past decade, Saudi Arabia and UAE are decidedly hellholes, clearly by their own choice. Absolutely zero to do with influence from the west.

      Islam sucks, I’ve never met people more discriminating against women than Muslims. And I’ve met a lot of them. Also this is not anecdotal, we can see it by the regulations of Muslim countries.

      So stop whining and accept reality.

      • geneva_convenience@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        There’s far more folks who claim to be Jewish going to a foreign country to kill brown people and colonize their land.You must have never seen them.

        Oh wait. When it comes to them you suddenly are able to differentiate. For Muslims you can’t. Because you’re simply a racist brainwashed by American media into believing the people that have been mass murdered for the past 50 years are actually the aggressors.

        If you were Chinese you’d be advocating to throw Uyghurs in concentration camps.

        • Buffalox@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Oh wait. When it comes to them you suddenly are able to differentiate.

          I’ve known Muslims from Iraq, Marocco, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and a few I don’t now which country are from. I can differentiate between them just fine.

          the people that have been mass murdered for the past 50 years are actually the aggressors.

          I never mentioned anything about them being the aggressors, that doesn’t change that muslims discriminate against women more than mostly anybody else.
          Also I’m not from USA, so it seems like the one here who is prejudiced without reason is you more than me.

            • Buffalox@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              I never in any way condoned terrorism against mosques or Muslims, or claimed Muslims can’t be good people.
              Yes absolutely the Muslims are often the victims as we see in Palestine and UK.
              But why do you continue to argue a straw man, that has zero to do with what I claimed?
              You haven’t even denied that discrimination against women is widespread among Muslims.
              And obviously any feminist will have some problems defending an Islamic regime. How is that strange to you?

              • geneva_convenience@lemmy.ml
                2 months ago

                Telling women to “shut up because the man is speaking” has nothing to do with Islam and is prescribed nowhere. You saw some Muslims acting bad against women. That’s bad. It is not relevant to Islam

                What you are conflating is tribalism and Islam. The Taliban is a perfect example of this. Islam clearly states women are allowed to go to school. The worlds first university was created by an Islamic woman. Yet the Taliban refuses to let girls to go to school. Why? Because they don’t follow the rules of Islam. Yet media paints the Taliban as “implementing the Sharia” while it is clearly not the case.

                Islam Does Not Ban Girls’ Education. So Why Does The Taliban? " : Tribal Influences: Sami Yousafzai, a veteran Afghan journalist and commentator, argues that the Taliban restrictions against women are linked to social customs and cultural practices in eastern and southern Afghanistan.

                Currently there is no Islamic regime in the entire world. Islam has a form of governance called Sharia and the only people who claim to implement it are those who pick parts they like and ignore parts they don’t like such as the Taliban.

                And obviously any feminist will have some problems defending an Islamic regime. How is that strange to you?

                It’s hard to generalize but Islam mostly falls under second wave feminism. The third and fourth wave feminism were more about sexuality than female autonomy.

                You haven’t even denied that discrimination against women is widespread among Muslims.

                The hijab has intentionally been painted as a symbol of oppression since the American “war on terror” where dehumanization of Muslims was necessary to create an excuse to “free them from oppression”. This is extremely similar to 1970 where America needed to “free the oppressed Vietnamese from Communism” by firebombing their villages.

                Muslims do not discriminate against women this is a narrative painted by media. There certainly are tribalists, especially in poorer regions of the world. However they discriminate against women despite Islam not because of it. It is very similar to American Christians who abandoned about the “help thy neighbor and feed the poor” part and have transformed into a cult of guns and racism.

                • Buffalox@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  You saw some Muslims acting bad against women.

                  No, I didn’t see it, they bragged about it, explaining that a woman has no place speaking when the men are talking, unless her man allows it.

                  Also there are now reports from UN that Afghanistan is the most dangerous country for a woman to live in.

                  I linked the story earlier about how women were shot for not stopping because they didn’t cover their hair properly.
                  In Saudi Arabia, women were not allowed to drive cars until recently. Like at all!!

                  The evidence is so overwhelming about discrimination of women in Muslim countries you can’t possibly honestly deny it.

                  Currently there is no Islamic regime


                  Regime is any system of governance, the word is neither positive or negative, every country under Sharia law is an Islamic/Muslim regime.

                  The hijab has intentionally been painted as a symbol of oppression

                  How can you claim it’s not oppression when women are being punished for not wearing it?

                  I’m sorry, but you make so little sense, and you are so dense to debate, that I’m simply going to have to block you now.

                  • geneva_convenience@lemmy.ml
                    2 months ago

                    She did not get shot for not wearing a Hijab you clearly did not read what you linked.

                    When at risk of the propaganda getting debunked you choose to ignore facts, repeat the propagands and run away.

      • geneva_convenience@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        Women like wearing that so creepy atheist dudes stop talking about how big their ass is when they walk outside.