If you are truly struggling and need actual dental care, try searching for a local dental school near you. Many will take patients for cheap or free, with the caveat that a dental student will be performing the treatment.
Otherwise, brush at least twice a day and floss. Do not re-use strands of floss, like with those convenient plastic picks. You’ll just be transferring bacteria to each crevice after it’s been used.
Get a water pick (whatever it’s called) - I heard those are great but I don’t have one myself.
Every dentist I’ve had disliked water piks. I had one for a while. Had.
Any particular reason why?
Not the above poster but I’ve had dentists share the same sentiment and mostly I’ve heard it’s because the majority of their patients who use it, use it as a replacement for more thorough dental care–they don’t floss and/or brush because they think they’re getting clean enough with the pik. The dentist who told me this basically said, “It’s fine as a supplement after you brush and after you floss, to flush out any lingering debris from those two activities, but it’s really just not worth the time or money.”
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My yearly dental works always cost a fortune, but my teeth are great now, since:
- I got an electric brush and floss sticks;
- I now drink coffee without sugar (you’ll get used to it pretty quickly);
- I almost completely stopped drinking sugary drinks (mostly bubbly water now, boycotting evil companies and being poor help).
One super easy thing to help a little is swish some water in your mouth after you east/drink. If you’re gonna drink something sugary or acidic, do it quickly, don’t sip it.
i find toothpaste and mouthwash miserable, and this is the advice i got from my dentist as well. Plus getting fluoride pills to suck on to make up for not getting flouride from the toothpaste.
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Not sure if AI hallucination, or regular hallucination.
Nice one. Now rerun the same prompt and add “how can I use buffalo cum to regrow teeth”. Let’s see how good and obedient your model really is.