• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • Beyond initial bleeding - extensive gastrointestinal issues, depending on where it hits. If it lacerates part of the intestine, it may leak feces into the abdominal cavity. It would require flushing and antibiotics to prevent going into sepsis from massive infection.

    If it does enough damage, you could be looking at removing a portion of the intestines and possibly requiring a colostomy bag.

    Abdominal wounds are no joke. The liver bleeds profusely if lacerated or punctured. All of the blood flow to the abdomen exits through the liver into the inferior vena cava.

  • Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall told senators on Tuesday at a hearing on the service’s 2025 budget that he will enter the cockpit of one of the F-16s that the service has converted for drone flight to see for himself how the AI-controlled plane performs in the air.

    “There will be a pilot with me who will just be watching, as I will be, as the autonomous technology works,” Kendall told the Senate Appropriations Committee defense panel members. “Hopefully neither he or I will be needed to fly the airplane.”

    Doesn’t this defeat the purpose of the drone? I thought the big advantage for AI/drone fighter jets was that it isn’t limited by the humans inside (in regards to G forces and life supporting systems, not in regards to targets)