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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • Yeah I know. It still annoys me though, I don’t want this place to turn into Reddit.

    I understand your frustration, I’m an introvert and I work in education which is about 75% women, so I have run across groups like what you describe.

    The easiest fix is to find a better work place, but in the meantime the only thing I’ve found that works is to become boring to them; listen politely but give short, non-committal answers. Shrug and say “I don’t know” as much as you can. Don’t say anything that they can use to ask a follow up question. If you get a hardcore talker, excuse yourself to go to the bathroom.

  • Some people need socialising

    Great, so find some people who want to socialise. Having that need does not give them the right to force OP to socialise if he doesn’t want to. He’s not stopping them from doing it, he just doesn’t want to partake in it himself, and he has every right not to.

    OP owes exactly nothing to his co-workers other than doing his job and being polite. If you think he does, then you’re the problem.

    Why do you think it’s OK to force someone else into interacting with the world the same way you do, just to please you? That’s not what OP is doing.

  • Well so far I’ve painted all the rocks in my garden neon yellow, so I’ve done about the same as those twats.

    Oh, and also all the things I mentioned in my previous post (except run for Parliament), so there is that.

    Doesn’t actually take that much fucking effort. I can’t guarantee that my actions will have definite results, but what I can say for sure is that at least I’m doing things that are actually targeted at fixing the problem and not just getting attention so that a bunch of useless wankers can feel self-righteous.

    Certainly my solar panels will contribute something at least.

    So, what have you done?

  • The key thing is that teachers can ban phones in their individual classrooms if the school permits it.

    There are many schools in which the senior admin don’t institute phone bans (you’d be surprised how common this is).

    Legislating it helps maintain consistency and parity between schools nation wide, which is important as it’s a quality of education issue, so the policy should be consistent across all schools.

    I’m not from North America, but the situation is similar across most western democracies.