• 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 18th, 2024


  • you’re lying, disingenuous, and not trying to tell a story by posting a link to a search result for images of earth day….

    but, pretend like you’re genuine:
    trying new stuff is FUCKING GREAT.
    try to glue yourself to things is FUCKING STUPID.
    why harm yourself, when there’s CEO’s with houses and addresses you could….

    there’s a lot of waaaay better tactics than hurting yourself to gain sympathy… it’s basically turning munchaousens syndrome into a form of protest….
    or, what you are doing, is referred to as munchausen syndrome by proxy
    in english, at least….

    please fucking stop advocating for SELF-harm

  • the action is stupid, not the people, necessary.

    and how does posting a wikipedia article to general topics like “ExxonMobil climate change denial” supposedly apply to gluing yourself to an airport runway?
    a link that’s just a keyword search to pictures of Earth Day 1970???
    you’re pretending like you’re responding to me with some proof, but you’re just sea lioning.

    why not go block an oil refinery, some shipping ports where oil is being loaded onto trucks? DDOS exxon’s backend online? throw feces an exxon ceo’s?

    it’s a stupid fucking tactic and don’t you dare pretend like i’m talking about the concept of protesting climate change in general.

    i’m talking about people like you tricking people like them into harming themselves.
    and you’re awful.