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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I’m wondering how much of that is just due to misinformation. You have to account for the widespread Zionist influence campaign that’s been going on for decades and that has cost millions.

    From Zionists traveling abroad, to Zionists flying people in. A family member got flown in some years ago and ever since they’ve been a propaganda machine in them selves.

    It doesn’t matter how many times I tell them that their talking points are factually wrong and framed in a manipulative way, because they themselves don’t understand it.

    Brainwashing, when done right, sets it claws into the human brain something fierce. This is more apparent in some countries than others.

  • The intrinsic arc of utter corruption culminates in economic turmoil and ultimately the art of scapegoating. As the English politician realises that all the foreign labourers have been chased off and that they can’t just prop the economy up on ill gotten gains from foreign lands, that they must ultimately direct the ire of the masses inward.

    Are you per chance a secret Chinese spy? Who knows?! Perhaps you are one, especially if you’re a member of the opposition party! Seen any red flags lately, hmmmmmm?!? Perhaps you like to dabble in electronics, like a little bit of maths, do we??? Even in our own party??? Moderate?!? You mean… possible collaborator…

    McCarthy should be proud. The world was changed forever, and even though it makes no sense, most likely it’s the socialists, libertarians and anarchists who will be blamed, along with black and brown people, the gypsy, the jew, muslims, hindus and even possibly christians, whoever fits the bill, as hungry and angry masses are directed towards a new common enemy.

    It’s the release valve of the leading class, the dog the elites can blame for hot air, it’s the scapegoat.

    (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ 🐐

  • Yes, yes. They’re all Nazis, and Putin will unnazi Ukraine, right? Because there is no ethno nationalism in Russia, whatsoever. But also, in Europe in general. So I guess Putin should invade and liberate the rest of Europe as well, right? He’s going to unnazi the world, correct?

    Edit: /s for some of you. It should be blatantly obvious, at least it is to me, but maybe it’s just because I’m proficient in the language… somewhat. Anyhu, have a nice day, I hope Putin dies in his sleep tonight, byyyyeeee…

    Edit 2: Or, isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think?