Giver of skulls

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Joined 101 years ago
Cake day: June 6th, 1923


  • Because you can’t just boolean search the entirety of the web the same way you do a local database. You’re not getting all results every time you search, that’d be insanely inefficient, so doing full filters like with boolean database search won’t work.

    That said, based on my experience with Google, negations work just fine, as do double quotes. Last time I checked NEAR even worked pretty well. AND is implied, OR used to work but is probably derived from the rest of the query these days.

    People hate it when their query doesn’t return anything. So, whenever you search for something and get very little results, search engines will relax their boundaries to find something that may answer your query.

    Search engines in the early 00s had them because they required very specific phrase matches and the experience was horrible. You either got millions or results that didn’t relate to what you were searching for or you got none and had to start over.

    At some point, search engines started interpreting what you mean instead of what you type. For most people, searching for “rain” and getting results about “precipitation” is exactly what they want. Using the 90s/00s search term syntax, you’d need to type “~rain” to also get synonyms, which is obviously a terrible user experience that serves only the most pedantic people.

  • I think the people complaining about this stuff fall into several categories. One of them is depicted well by that GIF. A second group is just upset about environmental regulations existing. There’s probably a third group out there with some kind of hypersensitivity for things touching their face. And maybe a fourth group who hates it when things change even if there are good reasons for it (can relate, was diagnosed as autistic).

    I feel bad for the people with hypersensitivities but the rest should just suck it up already. Maybe some bamboo or metal straws can help these folks get used to the new bottles? They’re available online for cheap.

  • There’s a good reason why many carbonated drinks stopped being sold in glass bottles. When you go over a certain volume, they become bombs. There are videos online or 2L soda bottles falling over and sending shards of glass flying everywhere. I’d rather not have that back.

    Glass bottles are also great at starting fires when they’re left outside by trashy people. Looking at how often I still find plastic trash in the woods, I’m not sure if switching to glass would make that much of an improvement.

    Plus, you’d still have the same problem with the bottle cap.

  • The edits are what makes it made with AI. The original work obviously isn’t.

    If you’re in-painting areas of an image with generative AI (“context aware” fill), you’ve used AI to create an image.

    People are coming up with rather arbitrary distinctions between what is and isn’t AI. Midjourney’s output is clearly AI, and a drawing obviously isn’t, but neither is very post-worthy. Things quickly get muddy when you start editing.

    The people upset over this have been using AI for years and nobody cared. Now photographers are at risk of being replaced by an advanced version of the context aware fill they’ve been using themselves. This puts them in the difficult spot of wanting not to be replaced by AI (obviously) but also not wanting to have their AI use be detectable.

    The debate isn’t new; photo editors had this problem years ago when computers started replacing manual editing, artists had this problem when computer aided drawing (drawing tablets and such) started becoming affordable, and this is just the next step of the process.

    Personally, I would love it if this feature would also be extended to “manual” editing. Add a nice little “this image has been altered” marker on any edited photographs, and call out any filters used to beautify selfies while we’re at it.

    I don’t think the problem is that AI edited images are being marked, the problem AI that AI generated pictures and manually edited pictures aren’t.