• 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 13th, 2024

  • refalo@programming.devtoPrivacy@lemmy.mlRCS vs SMS/MMS?
    2 days ago

    What are the privacy implications of adopting RCS?

    When it first came out, I specifically remember that trying to turn it on in the messages app makes you agree to hand over all your messages to google, so I never used it. But now it just seems to support it anyways, so not sure what happened to the agreement I never clicked on.

  • I think that’s a problem of who is recommending the servers to people

    I don’t think that is true at all, for several reasons:

    • matrix.org actually has tons of terrible users itself, and many channels even ban or strongly discourage even having users from that server, plus it’s usually the slowest.

    • a great many channels on matrix.org are unmoderated and already host CSAM and abusive/illegal content

    • because of how federation works, anyone who is on matrix.org and happens to join a “bad” channel even on another server, now forces matrix.org to always keep a copy of that channel and all of its content forever.


    Including Cloudflare, who for some reason banned kiwifarms yet continues to allow sites like 8chan and others who are also hosting CSAM/zoosadist/other vile content.

  • the only way for an average user to get exposed to such rooms

    But there is a growing dissent for matrix.org itself as a homeserver for various reasons, and many people/blogs/posts/etc. online will try to steer users towards alternative “privacy-respecting” or “free-speech/anti-censorship” (aka allowing illegal content) servers, many of which of course host terrible content, so I think more and more people are getting exposed to it and realizing how bad of a problem it is.

  • Is this impossible due to Matrix’s design, or is it poor moderation from server admins?

    Kinda both. The design does not inherently destroy rooms permanently afaik, and server moderators don’t do enough to prune bad things either way. It’s a never-ending game of whack-a-mole. People have also been (ab)using its file upload capabilities to use matrix as a global, free, unlimited CDN, sometimes even for completely (to normal users) hidden content using custom message types hiding in plain sight.

  • People need to get this through their heads, XMPP is the only solution for their problems.

    Strongly disagree and this sounds like dangerous FUD to me. For one, there’s comparatively zero users across XMPP anyways, and it has a big problem with compatibility across different software packages. It also does nothing to help the problems stated in the video of massive droves of abusive content and server operators unknowingly hosting copies of it across the world. Then there’s the privacy and GDPR minefields that come with any decentralized/federated service.

  • never encountered a single instance of abuse

    I encounter it literally every single day and I know many others that do too. It’s so bad it makes me want to quit using Matrix altogether. You’re just not in the right (wrong) rooms. The ones that happen to get left unmoderated are always taken over by bad actors, not even talking about the ones (like mentioned in the video) that were deliberately setup to harbor vile content, which is also plentiful unfortunately.