You really haven’t been paying attention to the news lately.
You really haven’t been paying attention to the news lately.
The Supreme Court must be so proud.
We need to be very clear that white people, in almost every demographic - men, women, 18-55, 55+, non-college educated went solidly, majority Trump. THAT is the biggest problem, and it’s what needs to be fixed if the Republicans are ever going to get dislodged. Blaming groups that “only” voted 75-80% Harris is not helpful, and is exactly the kind of unproductive sniping the Republicans encourage and celebrate when we do it.
If you are not a white male billionaire, and you voted for Trump, or didn’t vote, you’ve made life worse for yourself (and everybody else) in multiple, awful ways, and should feel stupid about it. I’m sure most people will figure that out eventually, even if it is too late. Asking people how Trump has made their life better rather than telling them they’re idiots will probably get them there faster.
The Democratic party’s strongest, winning platform would to directly address the needs of people who work for a living, which is basically everybody, as opposed to the current “we rig the economy for billionaires… LESS!” Yes, Biden actually did many good things for working people, but he mixed it in with enough fellating the 1% that is was easy to make the (correct) conclusion that the wasn’t all in on it. Heck, Trump actually said some of the right things on that front. He was obviously lying, and anybody with a memory better than a goldfish (less than half the voters it seems) knew that, but at least he pretended to care about it.
Democrats need to focus on that. If that messaging ever got going seriously, Republicans would be too busy panic screeching about communism to spend their time telling people which bathroom they could use. The reason making tje economy work for the 99% isn’t front and center is because neither the Republican nor the Democratic leadership will allow that conversation to happen.
I think it’s less focused than that. I think it’s “I want to make the world worse in these 10 ways. If I only get 5 of them, I’ve still managed to make the world worse, so I’m happy.”
Gosh Tim. How is that million dollar personal contribution directly into Trump’s pocket to Trump’s inauguration fund working out for you?
They think lots of stupid illogical things. But here in the real world, immigrants are not soldiers, and they’re not ever treated as soldiers by the legal system, so they are, in fact under the jurisdiction of the United States.
Yet another case of Shroedinger’s immigrants. They are simultaneously fleeing their “s***hole” home country for purely economic reasons (not political oppression) while being so loyal to their home country that they will spend their entire lives raising children in a country they are invading.
Invading enemy soldiers are not born in the United States. That’s the other important part of the sentence. I don’t think the major issue is pregnant invading soldiers. To be clear, what I meant is that if you have embassy staff with diplomatic immunity and they have kids while in the US, those children do not get birthright citizenship, because as children of diplomats, they are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.
If they’re not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, then they can’t arrest them. That language is clearly meant to exclude diplomats.
So did the Supreme Court. But that only applies for Republicans.
Nope. Even off of consulate grounds, diplomatic immunity holds. It wouldn’t be worth much if you were trapped in the embassy.
You can if you have a pet Supreme Court.
Yes, if they arent’ subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, you can’t touch them.
It’s obvious to anybody not deliberately misreading the text that this is meant to apply to people like foreign diplomats, who really are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US. But then deliberately misreading the text is the specialty of the Roberts court, so who knows what they’d decide. Whatever some billionaires pays them to decide, I guess.
This can’t be changed by executive order. Only a constitutional amendment can end birthright citizenship. There’s no debate there. If the supreme court were to side with Trump on this, it would only delegitimize it even further.
I think it’s pretty clear they don’t care anymore. They have power, they’ve done what they need for the Republicans to stay in power forever, so they can stop pretending to be impartial and just rubber-stamp every conservative wet dream while thumbing their noses at the American people and saying “what are you doing to do about it, losers?”
“Say what you will about National Socialism, Dude. At least it’s an ethos. “
That’s true. But the Republicans certainly won’t either. The Democrats haven’t earned American Muslims’ trust, but to run into the arms of the party that loudly and constantly demonizes Muslims at every opportunity as a result makes no sense.
I would understand a lot of people in Michigan disengaging from politics (although that would probably objectively make their lives worse in the long run). I can’t see them supporting Republicans though.
Maybe that will happen. But I think it’s far more likely that Trump will end the genocide by letting Netanyahu finish it. And I don’t really see his administration doing anything other than alienating American Muslims, since he’s certainly not going to protect them from his followers. He’ll probably egg them on.
That said, Biden could have at least pretended to care about Gaza, and didn’t, so a lot of Michigan voters are pretty fed up with the Democrats, and maybe they’ll throw their support wholeheartedly behind the Republicans. I don’t see how that will get them anything they want, but they wouldn’t be the first, and they won’t be the last, group of voters who steadfastly vote against their own self interest.
Trump’s plan for ending the genocide is to let Netanyahu complete it.
The fact that Donald Trump a) was allowed to run for president despite being disqualified by the 14th amendment and b) is not in prison shows that justice does in fact play favorites.