There’s a plugin that disables that trash.
There’s a plugin that disables that trash.
Americas love of the statue is eclipsed only by it’s love of school shootings
this just in, Water is wet
I love how people have convinced themselves that there is any logic involved at all. They give zero fucks about babies or future tax payers. The only thing that matters is the cruelty right now
Wasn’t he married to Oprah?
something, something, lesser of 2 evils …
Do they really think anyone there didn’t already know?
Guess you goatta spend all those political bribes donations on something.
Where where these people of moral conscience when Bernie had a shot?
it’s not like this shitshow sprung up overnight.
You see, it’s not fraud when you’re in power or when we do it.
These so called activists really need to figure out who they’re working for and what sabotage looks like
A great diagnostic tool and a terrible psychologist
how much was all this audio equipment? literally nothing compared to the cost of the cables to hook it all up with.
Stocks in aqua regia about to moon
but falsely alerted more than 100 times
oh, it’s working
That’s Our wife, Comrade
anyone who didn’t see this coming raise your hands.
ok, now everyone with your hands raised head south and we promise not to bomb you.
I just get loans on untaxed offshore collateral and write it off as a business expense like everyone else, don’t you?
“Hey, I’m in the bottom 99%, I like this promise”
You know who else is in the bottom 99%, your fucking landlord. if you pay 1% less tax you can buy a whole bag of doritos if they pay 1% less tax they can buy your Mum’s house.
Government only needs to pay lawyers to go after what the 1% already owe and it would be more than any increase would provide.
you put the peeps in the chilli