Old guy but told I’m cool IRL. I’ve been a Liberal most of my life. However, recent political events have disturbed me so much, that I realized only conservatives have a reasonable plan politically. Gender and Identity politics are the fuel that convinced me that Liberals are becoming totalitarian.
That’s good to hear — the news coming from London over the weekend sounds like at least some elites over there are doubling down. They’ve invested so much in this, I fear it will be difficult to give up, (for them), Until these people are thrown out of office. Hopefully, total war doesn’t happen before!
Because the ‘Deep State’ didn’t like the results, they are now intimidating the right leader of Romania. The people have spoken who they want, but the EU can’t have that!
That’s often NOT the case. Executives are looking at their share price each quarter. It’s rarely about the ‘health’ of the corporation.
It would be difficult to fire thousands of people if one wasn’t a sociopath, methinks.
Jobs was a salesman, Woz the engineering brain.
Jobs was just as sociopathic as Musk. You have to be to lead any corporation that relies on profit and is public. People that worked closely with Jobs often said he was an arehle and didn’t care about people’s feelings.
Obviously not an authorized bio. lOL