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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Call me naive if you like but that doesn’t seem like a direct threat to me. It sounds like him playing into the violent antifa caricature of a leftist they’re always going on about. He’s saying they’re going to win peacably but are prepared to defend their liberties if the evil leftists force them to. At least I think that’s how most of the people he’s trying to reach with those comments would interpret them.

    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think guys like him have any problem with using violence as a means to achieve their goals, and this is very likely part of the plan to plant the seeds of violence in people’s minds. I just don’t think this is him being so blunt as to state that they want to execute political opponents outright. I could certainly be wrong about that but I don’t think that will happen until they’re already doing it.

  • Technically their interpretation is correct, laws should be explicitly enumerated by the legislative branch which has the most accountability to voters. We’re all just so desensitized to the fact that Congress is a wasteland of gridlock and special interest money that we don’t even expect them to do the job of creating laws anymore. If we had a working legislative branch this would be a gentle reminder for them to be thorough and use detailed language when crafting legislation, instead it’s a depressing reminder that our government quite literally cannot function without outsourcing the central function of one of the main branches.

  • In the same way that I think the quickest way for stricter gun control laws to be passed is for minorities to start open carrying firearms en-masse, I think the best way to educate Christian nationalists on the importance of the separation of church and state is for everyone to start attending their local mosque and preaching the virtues of Islam when discussing politics. Conservatives are incapable of understanding the negatives of any policy position until they experience them personally. Force them to experience what it’s like to be a religious minority and they will change their tune very quickly.