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Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • To attack a narcissist, you need to attack the cracks in the reality they paint for themselves.

    It just so happens that as someone who has been an enthusiastic and professional grade debater for 40+ years, Harris also knew exactly how to do this without getting his mud on herself, and she knew to do it just as he was hoping to hit his stride.

    It was great to watch. So many politicians from so many walks of life have been completely humiliated by Trump’s ridiculous persona. He’s so inflammatory, so full of lies, and so narcissistic professional politicians have been reduced to flinging his poo back at him. Instead Harris made him wallow in it.

  • Entangled particles cannot transmit information between the pairs. That would violate information theory and likely causality as well.

    Quantum networking is instead focused on using extremely robust encryption that can detect interception using entangled pairs of light particles being transmitted together in the fiber optics.


    To elaborate on this, let’s talk about how entanglement works.

    Let’s say I have two identical bags. Into each of the bags I put one of two balls, one colored red, the other blue. I then mix these bags up like a shell game and hand you one.

    Now you can travel anywhere in the universe, and when you open your bag, you know exactly what color you have and what color I have too. No information transmitted, only information inferred.

    Now the quantum part is tricky. Basically when you do this experiment with quantum particles, for example generating two particles, one that must be spun up, the other that must be spin down, there’s a lot of science that “proves” the particles spins are each entirely random, implying that somehow when you examine one you force BOTH particles to pick their opposite spins instantaneously across any distance.

    Now there are two major explanations for how truly random gets ‘picked’ by the universe.

    The first one is Bell’s theorem, or ‘spooky action at a distance’, basically claiming that until you ‘observe’ the particles they both exist in an undetermined state, neither spin up or down, and when you look, the universe forces things to get corrected through some mechanism we don’t understand. Scientists generally prefer this theory because the math is clean and beautiful, and randomness written into the most fundamental levels of the universe fits philosophical ideals nicely (more on that in a minute).

    The primary alternative theory is much more mundane, but has huge implications. Basically this theory, called super determinism, claims there is no such thing as true random, and instead the universe has a set of hidden variables determined from the very beginning of the universe. This implies that time is an illusion and everything is fully deterministic across the entire universe. Scientists generally hate this theory because the math is much harder and uglier, and some interpret this to mean there is no free will.

  • The answer, as always with extremism, comes back to indoctrination, disenfranchisement, and finally, radicalization.

    There have been tons of studies in this, but at a high level, men are indoctrinated by constantly being put under a lens of toxic masculinity by their peer groups and male role models.

    Then they become disenfranchised from “mainstream” ideals, not hard to do with the mental health crisis and wealth disparity we see in the world every day. Or the simpler method of being raised in a small community (a church or small town) where such progressive ideas are frowned upon and demonized.

    And finally, they search for meaning and inclusion in an ‘in group’. This is natural human behavior, and is preyed upon by a laundry list of bad actors who are all too happy to offer answers, meaning, and most of all, some nebulous group to blame and attack for your problems. This step in particular has become easier and easier for more extreme groups with the advent of the internet.

    It’s a vicious cycle. And that’s not to say the victims here are blameless, because of course they made their choices along the way, but they are indeed victims.