You just havent seen much true multimedia, what the web was originally optimized for. You’ve just seen designer barf and marketing’s wet dreams, but not sites actually meant to convey information efficiency.
Text, videos, images, and interactive elements are all individually not that great. The magic is when you can have all of them on one page, each for the parts where they are the best option for part of a whole idea.
But that doesn’t jive well with medium that just wants everything to be text, or YouTube/TikTok that wants everything to be a video, etc.
I want an actual real time strategy game. All popular RTSs are actually just about tactics and micro. I mean every SC2 guide will tell you that up to a very high level of play, if you’re just doing more you’ll be more efficient and win regardless of strategy. Why can’t you just set a standing order of “make unit x” or “make unit x while we have gas until we get to 50 of them”? That’s strategy. Having to tab back to a building and manually queue a couple of units every several seconds is just creating busywork for players, but thats what’s necessary and optimal for playing SC2 and most RTS games well