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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Yogthos is not defending Western/liberal values, he is pointing out the hypocrisy.

    Appeal to hypocrisy is one of the lowest, filthiest of arguments, used by trolls, propagandists and hacks of all allegiances. You didn’t make him look much better.

    Russia is not predominantly an imperialist state

    Russian war against Ukraine is a textbook example of an imperialist war - a plunderous attempt to cut up and consume, annex a smaller neighbor in order to expand the sphere of influence of Russian capital, to turn back the losses of the 2010s, when Ukraine escaped, though not unscathed, the clutches of the Russian bourgeoisie in favor of apparently more appealing clutches of the US and EU capital.

    Russia is also a colonial power, which you seem to disregard in favor of the following:

    Russia is an interesting case: it has already liberated itself from the post-Soviet “shock therapy” neocolonizers.

    Positioning the victory of Russian owning class in the act of class warfare which was the shock therapy, calling it and the following consolidation of power by the national bourgeoisie a “liberation” is just disgusting. It was class war, first and foremost. It could give birth to a neocolonial relationship, if it “succeeded” - but it did not. It was a boost for the capital class, which then metastasized into the current liberal turned fascist regime.

    It’s also funny to me how you completely disregard oppressor part, which is as important as the imperialist part.

    In a word, no. In a few more words, support for Russia is only a partial, temporary, tactical one

    So, lesser evilism? Russia is definitely a smaller evil, but I’m not sure how it’s a lesser one. I might be biased though, given Russia’s desire to eradicate me.

    It’s trying to resolve the genocidal attacks on the people of the Donbas

    There were 25 civilian deaths on both sides during the whole of 2021; large portion of them due to mines and other wartime remains. The claims of genocide in Donbas are some of the most blatant lies there, and you should be ashamed of yourself for ever uttering them.

    By ignoring the imperialist nature of the invasion, by repeating the position of Russian capital - “the genocide, the aggression, the protection of the motherland against foreign interests” - you inadvertently serve as their lackey.

  • Is double genocide theory in the room with us now? Why do you keep bringing this irrelevant shit up? How do some fucks equivocating USSR and Nazi Germany relate to the repackaged Russian fascist propaganda I see coming daily from the tankie community? How does it justify the defense of ethnic cleansing you’ve engaged in this conversation? A whole bunch of people sharing community with you came out of woodwork to lie about me the moment I mention the really bad fucking things I see daily among people like you. You all lie, you reframe my words into something entirely different, you keep bringing stuff from time periods completely unrelated to the fucked up shit I see in front of me. My original message had nothing to do with neither USSR nor Nazi Germany, it’s you who decided to push the conversation towards “successful communists” and the DGT. I see the same fascist tactics of deflection as I’d see from Nazis or Israel apartheid supporters. “Oh, you’ve criticized our fascist behavior? But we’ve suffered greatly from Nazis, so it’s you who’s the real fascist actually”. Your offense should be directed towards yourself internalizing fascist tactics and not me calling you out on them.

  • Fuck off you gaslighting fascist pig, losing ancestors to Holocaust doesn’t prevent you from being a fascist POS which you proved enough to me already. I have zero respect for you as you keep lying about my words without a pause and kept deflecting criticisms of fascist behavior and ethnic cleansings by deceptively framing my position as something it is not. Which is the same egregious thing fascist supporters of Israeli apartheid are known for. Fuck off and go deport Kalmyks or whatever your favourite hobby is

  • It’s impossible to insult successful communists, as there are none. Unless you lower your bar enough to ignore glaring issues like ethnic cleansing of “unloyal” peoples and recreation of the capitalist mode of production.

    I’m not interested in the “no U” back-and-forth. If you want to defend online tankie community producing prominent fascists, then do so without deflecting. If you don’t, then stop acting indignant