Gifted Autistic Sysadmin, Anti-Corporate activist

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  • 5 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2023

  • The much more interesting thing this points at is the fact that conversations between people should be privileged and not usable in criminal investigations as long as not one party willfully submits it as evidence.

    The mere idea of eavesdropping on people and/or using their data for other purposes than it was intended to is horrendous.

    Meaning: if I call a friend or even send them a postcard and ask them for 100 kilos of cocaine, this should not be admissible in court. I dont care if organized crime is a problem. Go pose as a buyer and start rolling up the net from the bottom. Do the footwork.

    Otherwise its not europol but more like eustasi. (Reference to the stasi, the former east-german „state security“ which was infamous for picking you up ar night if you as much as said you didnt love the government)

    We will have to come to grips with the fact that europol (and for the germans reading this, the german state police) are still the fascism enablers they always have been.

  • I use „tasks“ for that. When i prepare to go grocery shopping I go to my fridge, open the completed „shopping“ tasks list and uncomplete what is empty. I then complete them again in the mall. Of course the list is hosted on my server.

    You can also have a barcode scanner to automate the „done“ action. You could also put in a timer to automatically make things undone if they need regular buying.

    In any case, using ai voice recognition for this is a massive waste of computing power for things that can be done by simple if else statements. Of course it is also a massive privacy invasion if you use big tech stuff for it.

  • The issue is much bigger than this and much bigger than valve.

    The underlying problem are nation state sized companies that are so vertically integrated that they profit from every step of the process they are involved in.

    Through their huge size they have the power to profit on procurement, labor, production, sales, etc. compared to smaller companies. The concept of billion dollar companies (and individuals) is perverse.

    The capitalist system was not designed to harbour companies that never make a loss and are sold or broken up just because they dont satisfy last quarter‘s predictions.

    Everywhere where joe or jane average cant start a competing business (either through overzealous regulations like tiny banks or through monopoly inducing IP laws like the one allowing valve to infinitely hold games hostage) you will have overcharging, barely any progress in development and small numbers of people ridicolously raking in profits.

    We need to get rid of the right to „sell“ limited licenses, billion dollar companies and shareholder primacy.