I coalesce the vapors of human experience into a viable and meaningful comprehension.…

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • If they were going in with an open mind, there’s no problem. Actual voter fraud is an amazingly rare occurrence and gets found out immediately 99.999% of the time already. But these folks are coming in with their minds made up that large scale fraud is occurring all over the place and what you end up with is voter intimidation and disenfranchisement of voters.

    This is actually by design with these folks. They want to scare off minorities, legal immigrants, and folks who are transgendered, etc.

  • Read the article. These aren’t dispassionate citizens doing their civic duty, these are folks going in with a preset agenda to sow chaos.

    The group plans to stop what they believe will be widespread election fraud in November as “the first step on the path to victory this Fall.”


    To spread the gospel during his “Courage Tour,” Standifer has traveled with Christian nationalist preachers and pro-Trump figures to sow fear about election fraud in swing states, including Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and Michigan.

  • Friend, you can go through every single back issue of that magazine trying to prove some point, but I am literally reading the “Malcom X, Black LIberation, and the Road to Workers Power”

    First, we are not friends. We are not brothers. We are not comrades. So you can stop with the usual bs in your replies.

    And really - pulling the literary equivalent of “I have a black friend” defense? You are just so precious!

    You hated me for voting for Jill Stein. Now you’ll hate me for voting Socialist. I have a feeling, nothing is gonna change your mind.

    Wow, such an ego! Not very socialist of you though. I don’t hate you. I don’t even think about you other than when your sad little antics pop up in my feed like a turd in the pool. You amused me for a time, but now you’re just boring. I only bother to reply when you spout such obvious bs that it needs to be called out…and when I have nothing better to do. Just my bad luck today to run into you again.

    Glad you found such a morally good fit to support with your vote! I guess it’s true what they say, there really is someone out there for everyone.