People will believe anything lol
People will believe anything lol
Naw, so Apollo was built with curtain rods and used candles for thrust
Exactly. NASA has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no God, the earth is a ball, we can trust our governments and large institutions, and manned space flight was a '70s trend back when the economy was better. We still have them to thank for Velcro and Tang my dudes
Yes ra ra NASA is totally legit and a shining example of the best achievements of humanity for sure. Nothing sketchy about it. It is amazing though to think how manned space flight is the only technology to not only lack progress in the last 60 years, but has actually regressed. I really wish these hero scientists could get back to working on manned space flight so we can ditch this whirling spaceball
A front for black projects
Not A Space Agency
Imagine being part of an organization advocating for the murder of babies and complaining about social media suppression. Such ethical high ground lulz
LOL definitely a real comment by a real person. Dislike bar…
I love how little this has to do with a “libertarian” philosophy. It’s cute how you insist on making the dumb choices of some private car company equate to political ideologies lol
in spite of the many surprisingly good things he’s done in the last few years
…that’s about when I stopped reading.
Sick burn bro so relevant
I was letting you, but unfortunately you didn’t even come close to getting anything straight 😂 from the presuppositions, through the arithmetic, all the way to the root cause analysis. You should stay in school, or better yet consider a transfer to a school that teaches in a language you can comprehend before it’s too late
Yeah. Basically Mozilla is awesome. Such logic
Totally agree. Lemmy is actually worse than Reddit. And yeah obviously Mozilla should take heat for this. I don’t get why people get so butt hurt when people make valid criticisms. Most of the “people” here seem to just parrot the same narrative. So much for the fediverse being less agitprop, spam filled garbage
Gottem! amirite? Elon bad Twitter used to be so prog now it’s like Pantera and rapists basically luwluw
Thanks for shilling
How does this guy complaining about funding mean he lacks critical thinking? This place is more full of thoughtless agitprop than Reddit. Your botlike comment is useless and could be a response to anything. This place sucks lol
Too much of a leftist grift even for Lemmy, yikes