I am a #bibliologer and a #cryptologer. I study the Bible, codes, and ciphers among other things. I enjoy #poetry. I like #neologisms. I burn with insatiable curiosity about everyone and everything.

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 10th, 2023


  • No easy way at all. The specs would be in-house manufacturer docs. Recall that digital cameras used to embed date and time visibly in images in a corner. The logical progression was to embed other data such as device serial number, geotag data, etc.

    Regarding the schemes for steganographic identification in devices such as cameras and printers, this information is usually kept a trade secret. The Secret Service would probably already have the spec docs for data hiding. Many manufacturers already have working agreements to provide back door assistance and documentation for the hardware surveillance economy. Ink chemistry profiles are registered with the Secret Service. The subterfuge is to ‘investigate counterfeiting’ but it is also used to identify whistleblowers and objective targets by their printer serial number or ink chemistry, or the data embedded in any images they are naive enough to publish.

    If you are a undercover reporter secretly video recording, unbeknownst to you the video could have metadata encoded using a secret scheme. If you registered that product for a warranty, or bought it online and had it shipped, or paid with a credit card or check, or walked beneath the electronics store cameras without a hat and sunglasses to pay cash, it is easy for the state organs to then follow the breadcrumbs and identify the videographer.

    Almost all ‘free’ wifi hotspots offered by chain restaurants and hotels are logged with the data being stored indefinitely, showing your mac address. It takes only a little bit of investigation and process of elimination to find the user on a camera feed history, to see who was connected when a certain message or leak was sent. If you use a wifi hotspot in a McDonalds, Wendy’s, Starbucks, etc. smile for the surveillance camera which will also have your device’s unique MAC address in the wifi history. This MAC address data is automatically sent to a central station, for example at the Wandering Wifi company, and God only knows how long they store it.

    None of this nonsense makes anyone safer. These people hate us.

  • Yes the USA loots its own citizens as a matter of constant policy. Even though USA produces so much oil it would have no problem looting a few buckets if the rich who own the politicians would benefit from it. Perhaps an example is in order.

    A certain ice cream plant produces ice cream in upstate New York.

    The ice cream is shipped to Phoenix, Arizona. They load 44,000 lbs. of the ice cream on a freezer truck. The freezer truck drives 2,200 miles from Jamestown, NY to Phoenix, AZ and delivers the ice cream, which is then distributed to supermarkets in the Phoenix area.

    The same freezer truck then drives about 5 miles across Phoenix, to an ice cream plant. The ice cream plant loads the truck with 44,000 lbs. of ice cream. Then the semi hauls the ice cream 2150 miles to Erie, PA, just 50 miles away from Jamestown, NY, where it started.

    So over 4000 miles worth of diesel fuel was burned, to move ice cream 50 miles en toto.


    Because the ultra rich aristocrats own all the companies. They own the ice cream plants, and they own the trucking company, and they own the oil company that produces the diesel to run the truck and refrigerated trailer.

    Since they are all in cahoots, they rig the prices of everything. They also rig the tax rates since they own the politicians, in such a way that the tax system crushes the smaller competitors and keeps them in control of markets and production. This is the real purpose of the progressive income tax on wages and small businesses, to crush them and funnel their capital into the hands of the fat cats on Wall Street and the corporate sector. Such taxes have virtually no effect on these giant conglomerates, who pass the cost of tax off onto the investor, taxpayer, and small businesses that can manage to hang on in such a market.

    And this is why USA would invade another country over oil or any other resource. To crush and control competition so that prices for everything may be kept artificially inflated for maximum profit, and so that the means of production remains under their control.

    In order to stay on top, they move endless hordes of trucks 4000+ miles in order to have a net movement of ice cream 50 miles. This only makes economic sense when the scheme is devised to cut out all potential non-aristocratic competition.

    This is what socialism is really about. And this is why the rich fund socialist revolution at every turn. And this is why the rich pay their parrots to squawk about capitalism, when we don’t even have capitalism. We have a centrally-managed, socialist economy–capitalism for the poor, who have no capital, and socialism for the rich, who have all the capital.

    Thus the capital of the poor continues to flow one direction, to the rich, and if the rich get into trouble, the government takes more capital from the poor to bail out the rich. That is socialism, not capitalism.

    Real capitalism doesn’t have bailouts and central management and endless regulatory red tape that favors the rich corporate bosses. Real capitialism is everyone fighting like cats and dogs to provide the best product at the lowest prices, which has not been happening in America since the days before Rockefeller and Standard Oil. So when political weenies gripe about ‘capitalism’ they don’t realize what they are saying, because we live under a hardline socialist regime in the USA. People are decieved by word games into not even understanding their own reality.

    So when another country’s resource exports would threaten the aristocracy’s control of prices and supply in the international market, the US regime sends them democracy bombs.

