Web Developer by day, and aspiring Swift developer at night.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Oh man. Trump plans on going full dictator if given the chance.

    A military tribunal or commission is most usually used to refer to a court that asserts jurisdiction over persons who are members of an enemy army, are held in military custody, and are accused of a violation of the laws of war…. Military tribunals also, generally speaking, do not assert jurisdiction over people who are acknowledged to be civilians who are alleged to have broken civil or criminal laws. However, military tribunals are sometimes used to try individuals not affiliated with a particular state’s military who are nonetheless accused of being combatants and acting in violation of the laws of war. Source

  • They have simulated conditions in the parts of the accommodation most exposed to the sun and have tested the effectiveness of the cooling system with an objective to keep the indoor temperature between 23 and 26 degrees Celsius (73 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit).

    Then it continues with:

    The geothermal energy system will ensure that the temperature in the athlete apartments in the Seine-Saint-Denis suburb does not rise above 26 degrees Celsius (79 degrees Fahrenheit) at night…

    They also go on to say that the apartments will be around 11°F cooler than outside temps, which are expected to be over 100°F.

    Let’s just stop for a second and let that sink in. First of all, who keeps their houses up to 79°F at night? Is that a thing in Paris/Europe? Do they have ceiling fans or standing fans to keep the air moving?

    That aside, these are athletes who spend their daytime hours sweating their asses off, performing feats us mere mortals couldn’t dream of achieving. And, yet they are expected to “adapt” to have to suffer at night too? Fuck that noise.

    I’m all for reducing our carbon footprint, and finding more natural ways to keep cool in the hot summer months. But we also have to be practical and reasonable. I don’t blame those countries for giving France the middle finger and bringing their own ACs.

  • I get where you’re coming from, but given the cost of equipment these days, it’s important to consider whether or not the zero-config big box brand stuff will be around long enough to be worth the cost. While it’s a PITA to spend your efforts setting this all up, doing it yourself using open protocols can be worth it in the long run. And 9 out of 10 times, when you do it yourself, you can just leave it alone and forget about it.

    Edit: there is a good write-up between zigbee and matter, and for ease of use it looks like matter would be better for your use cases.

  • I am all for finding better ways to tackle sexual assault of any kind. But this is simply too far. As others I. This thread have pointed out: it’s cruel and unusual punishment, and doesn’t address the root of what drives sexual predators.

    I’d like to add a new element to the conversation: wrongful convictions. Everyone already knows that going to jail as a child molester is probably going to end up very badly for them. So I could see people choosing castration as the lesser of two evils.

    The National Registry of Exonerations found that Texas, despite having some of the toughest laws on crime, led the nation with 363 exonerations in the last 30 years. Other top states based on total numbers of exonerations were Illinois, New York, and California. In Louisiana, which had 63 exonerations in that period, New Orleans is said to be the wrongful conviction capital of the U.S.

    (Emphasis mine)
